FHIR Squad Notes
Helpful Tips
- works on OpenMRS solutions, including the FHIR Module, that support the ability to exchange healthcare data in a widely-used, standards-based format, easing integration with external systems and products. The OpenMRS FHIR Squad
How to Join
at 7:30pm IST | 5pm Nairobi | 4pm Cape Town | 2pm UTC | 10am Boston | 7am Seattle (GCal link here)
Weekly Squad Call Info: Tuesdays Join link: https://om.rs/zoomfhir
FHIR Project Talk:
Slack Channel: #fhir
Helpful Tips
Expectations for FHIR Squad Notes
The FHIR Squad uses the OpenMRS Wiki - Edit mode for real-time note taking. What does this mean? Everyone attending a meeting monitors and contributes to the note taking. At the start of each squad meeting, we'll ask for (or designate) a volunteer to be the primary note-taker.
Where to Find Work
Sprint Board: https://om.rs/fhirboard
To Address Next Meeting
- Jose CBS/CBR IG + CBS Updates
- EMR-LIS QA and IG updates from Piotr
- Every week: FHIR Board Review https://om.rs/fhirboard
- Facility Registry updates
- IG Review
FHIR Roadmap(Full Community Product Roadmap here) | ||
Recent Work Completed |
What We're Working on Today |
Next Priorities* |
Revisit FHIR Module IG Without IG, hard to apply FHIR work already done TBD | Move Lab Orders support into OMRS From iSantePlus use of FHIR ITECH BROWN Move MPI support into OMRS From iSantePlus use of FHIR ITECH BROWN |
Grounding Priorities
Organization | Now | Future |
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Intellisoft |
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Ampath |
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OpenHIE |
Meeting Notes
Attendees: Abert, Sherif, Christina, Jose, Joshua N., Joshua S
FHIR IG Updates
- Reviewed progress & feedback on the FHIR IG
- A number of PRs need to be reviewed & merged by Mozzy & Poitr.
- Raise visibility of the FHIR IG via Talk post, tag Frontend Squad, other key people
- Project deadline: October 31
- Case study due November 10
FHIR IG Updates:
- Piotr having working sessions with Abert, Sharif. Made a lot of progress on resources (defining, adding example resources)
- Next steps: adding narrative based content, using resources in a simple way, testing
- Question for FHIR Squad: representing concepts & value sets in the IG
- Restrict fields?
- Possible need for input from OCL peeps
- Talk post on terminology including an example with type of restrictions proposed for the IG, also share on Slack channels (FHIR, OCL) (Abert)
Client Registry Workflows
RwandaEMR & VLSMS Updates
Epic: Integration of OpenMRS with a FHIR-based Client Registry
Client Registry work: Implementation agnostic - bringing work from Haiti into support in OMRS itself, in same way we supported LIS. Haiti, Botswana, C’DI
→ Nigeria → Gibril
→ Rwanda
→ Cambodia → Mekom (have MPI service but want it integrateable with other clinics)
TODO: Piotr
Decision to be made: do we continue witht he current MPI module, or start fresh?
Diagnostic report API for Bahmni
Bundle approach was done by Piotr’s team in their LIS approach, eg here: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-labonfhir
IG work progress
FHIR-based HIE support Rwanda
Topic: Fhir Diagnostic Report: Implementation and some Recommendations https://talk.openmrs.org/t/fhir-diagnostic-report-implementation-and-some-recommendations/37032/3
FHIR IG Update from Abert & Sharif: WIP draft PR for FHIR IG Patient Resource: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-contrib-fhir2-ig/pull/6
Organizations: Agreement voiced btwn Ian and Angshu that representation of Organizations is a gap in the OMRS data model that should be addressed.
- LIS-EMR Workflows
- Action item: Grace: Talk post about lab orders, Christina to share screenshot
- Action item: Christina, Mozzy participation in the Rwanda Hackathon
- Action item: Deep dive/working session with Eudson, Mozzy, Christina
- extension of DiagnosticReport FHIR resource and endpoints - LabLite
- May Mini-Meeting
- GSoD
- FHIR Resources Gap Analysis (Ethiopia)
- Ethiopia is not planning full data migration
- Spreadsheet captures what is needed for critical calculations - not all of the needs
- Some gaps are more about the OMRS data model (ie: care plans, medication statement, episodes of cre) - beyond scope of the FHIR Squad
- Clear idea of the attributes & what Ethiopia wants to do with these things
- Actions
- Address the data model:
- Take the data model gaps to the Platform Team (Daniel, Rafal, Ian, Piotr): what would it take to support x elements for care, from a) a data model perspective, b) what does it mean to translate this into something that's usable from the user interface, and c) are there phases to make this happen?
- Consider:
- Ian (and Piotr) to update Talk thread with ideas for short term solution using 3.x widgets that talk with HAPI FHIR server to help Ethiopia meet July deadline (pseudo SMART on FHIR)
- Work through a longer term solution with TAC
- Jen to reach out to Ethiopia Team about attending a dedicated TAC call on this, share their use cases. Others to join: Piotr, Mwariri, Eudson
- Address the data model:
- Ethiopia is not planning full data migration
- FR - testing (Tendo)
- Lab on FHIR
- iSantePlus - 3.x
- Cliff, Herman, Grace will meet when she is in Uganda next week
- Lab on FHIR
- Dev Updates
- FR → work on it to publish and integrate into CI, instructions to set up/read me
- May Mini-Meeting Showcase (May 18th-19th)
- Google Season of Docs - FHIR IG
- GSOC - Testable FHIR IG
Attendees: Jan, Jen, Ian, Tendo, Christina
- Announcements
- May Mini-Meeting Showcase (May 18th-19th)
- Google Season of Docs - FHIR IG
- GSOC - Testable FHIR IG
- CBS Follow Up with JEMBI?
- After we have more information, have a meeting with Jembi, UCSF, Mekom on shared design concept
- Lab on FHIR
- Lab on FHIR at UW - revision coming
- IHE Profile Request
- Need UI support for orders/results display (connect to 3.x lab project?)
- Roadmap
- FR → work on it to publish and integrate into CI, instructions to set up/read me
- Tendo to test it for us as the FHIR Squad and let us know if there are any challenges/gaps/etc
- https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-facilityregistry
- https://github.com/I-TECH-UW/instant-laboratory/wiki/Facility-Registry-Workflows
- FR → work on it to publish and integrate into CI, instructions to set up/read me
- Updates from external technical meetings & what we do with them
- DISI standards meeting (JEMBI, UCSF, CDC, PATH [OpenMRS, RG, UW])
- Still in early days of figuring out IGs & how they support the work they're doing
- DISI standards meeting (JEMBI, UCSF, CDC, PATH [OpenMRS, RG, UW])
Attendees: Ryan, Natasha, Abert, Christina, Daniel, Ian, Jan, Piotr, Richa, Tendo
- Ryan presented the CBS FHIR IG
- Foundational work:
- Can this be mapped in the FHIR2 module?
- Foundational work to send bundles? Native FHIR API?
- Ian: what we have is individual resource based, rather than patterns.
- Possible next steps:
- Understand what UCSF has done around this work
- Jembi (Ryan, Natasha), UCSF (Eudson, Mwawiri), OpenMRS (Grace), Mekom (Dimitri?): Come up with a shared design concept of what needs to happen now to make this work
- FHIR Board - resources ticket
- Call times
- Move to 7am PT | 10am ET | 2pm UTC | 5pm EAT starting March 22
- GSoC + Season of Docs
- Facility + Lab integration
- Migrate Lab on FHIR module to openmrs repo
- OpenMRS-OpenELIS-GOPHR works
- Go through the workflows at the next meeting
- Updates
- Seen an uptick in PRs
- Encounter serving
- Localizing metadata
- Next release (before migrating the repo)
- adding identifier type UUID
- ability to save location tags
- mapping between concept sets - Ian would like to get this over the finish line before the release
- The built IG web site can be viewed here: https://openhie.github.io/hiv-ig/index.html
- The source code for the IG can be found here: https://github.com/openhie/hiv-ig
- Communication with OpenELIS: updates & questions
- Metadata translation - Ian's going to work on a ticket for getting this implemented
- GSoC Project
- The built IG web site can be viewed here: https://openhie.github.io/hiv-ig/index.html
- The source code for the IG can be found here: https://github.com/openhie/hiv-ig
Attendees: Piotr, Christina, Jen, Richa
- GSoC project
- Mozzy drafted the project description with input from Piotr & Ian
- Project page focus right now on the GSoC part of the project
- DISI Use Cases
- IPS Talk post
Attendees: Piotr, Daniel, Christina, Ian, Namanya, Jen, Jose, Irene, Joshua
- GSoC project
- Piotr has a draft going, will share with Ian & Jen for feedback
- Bring project draft to next squad meeting for feedback
- 3.x REST API Mapping
- Focus of call: creating issues based on previous working session
- Facility Registry Updates
- No major updates
Attendees: Piotr, Jose, Reuben, Mozzy, Christina, Daud, Juliet, Grace N., Sharif
- Facility Registry Updates
- New PR submitted by Mozzy, implementing the organization model
- Available for testing
- 3.x REST API Mapping
- Need to create issues on the 3.x & FHIR side
- Piotr: Need to identify someone on the 3.x side to work with (Grace & JJ?)
- Ian: FHIR side could be done during a FHIR Squad call or separately
- GSoC 2022 FHIR IG project
- Piotr & Mozzy will work on the project proposal for the FHIR IG
- Check in with Ian about API mapping project
- Documentation
- Still need to improve the main FHIR project page
- Jose is working on FHIR onboarding materials with DS (Vrunda)
Attendees: Piotr, Ian, Christina, Jonathan, Jan, Jose, Tshomarelo Kgakge, Milton, Mozzy, Tendo, Daniel, Daud
- 3.x REST API Mapping
- Facility Registry Update
- Working on Selenium testing environment
- Set this up as a part of InstantHIE
- GSoC 2022 FHIR IG project
- Piotr is working on the project proposal
Attendees: Ian, Piotr, Samuel, David, Jose, Jen
- FR updates?
- Set up test environment (Mozzy + InstantHIE project to add OE to it, fix some OMRS aspects)
- FHIR Module IG
- Possible GSoC 2022 project: Piotr to start fleshing out the project idea using the template
- Integrate with current testing underway
- Documentation
- How would the IG work with the Wiki page, github repo?
- Could include the link to the IG on the Wiki
- 3.x REST API Mapping
- Use next meeting as a working session on Gaps => issues:
- Ideal to have Grace, JJ, Mozzy
- Use next meeting as a working session on Gaps => issues:
- GSoC 2022 Project Ideas
Attendees: Christina, Ian, Jen, Piotr, Jonathan, Jan, Jose
- Plan to revisit FHIR Module IG Without IG, hard to apply FHIR work already done
- System Identification Issue and OpenCR
- GSoC project: explore a FHIR IG project for GSoC, most likely a longer project.
- FR Update
- Piotr still working on PR with Mozzy.
- Mozzy might be able to give an update next week
- 3.x RefApp API Mapping
- Reviewed results of Cliff's gap analysis.
- Next steps (January)
- Translating gaps to issues to work on, where we want to use FHIR calls instead of REST call
- Prioritize in coordination with the 3.x Squad - working session with 3.x product owners
- Potential priorities for the next version
- Mapping obs for immunizations
- Facility registry work - Piotr will connect with Mozzy, share update next week
- Adding a cacheing layer to improve performance (Ian has a draft)
- Mapping attributes
- Next steps: mobilize people to join next week
- Core changes to data model - take to Platform Team
- Review OpenHIE workflows
- Jennifer will also review the 3.x API mapping, the FR Interoperability concept note, lab ordering, identity to see if these are covered in the OpenHIE workflows/documentation
Attendees: Jan, Piotr, Jose, Ian, Jennifer, Jen
FHIR Squad meetings in 2021: No meeting the last two weeks of December, reconvene on January 4
- Jose: Changes to Implementation Guides for Testing
- test scripts, minimum acceptance criteria to be compliant, value sets, defs
- example template: https://costateixeira.github.io/gendocs/transactions/transaction1
- Data Exchange Showcase
- Nirupa - CBS, UgandaEMR exchange, FR workflows, LIS-EMR workflows
- ACTION: Pick up topic in New Year
- OpenMRS FHIR IG review
- Needs to be built out based on our actual work
- Scope: Document what FHIR2 module supports, can be consumed by those that need it as a technical artifact
- Out of scope: not to document any specific workflows, not testable artifact
- Next steps:
- CBS update and COVID update - Eudson to give update when they start on this
- Parking Lot for Next Meeting
- FR update
- MFE API mapping
- Priorities for next version
FHIR Squad Showcase at OMRS21
- Schedule: Wed
- Content: High-level accomplishments for the year
- Time limit: 10 minutes
- Team to build it: 1) Jan start slideset - 2) bring in Ian, Piotr, Mozzy, Cliff to help fill out content and refine - 3) Ian share to the squad for input and finalize (and determine who will present)
Facility Registry
- working on getting functional use case dev + up
- starting with → setting up blank openmrs and using FR as native locations (not updating an existing OpenMRS with FR data already in it)
- Mozzy working on the client, Piotr working on the FHIR module
Documentation update
EMR exchanges in OpenHIE
- Jennifer Shivers intro
- How can we partner with OpenHIE as a squad
Mozzy, Jen, Piotr, Tendo, Jan, Christina, Cliff, Jose, Ian
- FR/mCSD:
- core change PR merged
- Talk Post: Piotr to do this week
- started repo for FR module (similar to the MPI module) to manage the workflow
- issues remaining - how to manage the location hierarchy vs FR locations, how do they integrate, need to identify openmrs workflows that can use facility information (refapp, distributions, upcoming 3.x framework)
- ACTION: start a "spec" page to start clarifying all of this?
- Platform team - tomorrow
- TAC meeting - Monday
- MFE 3.x REST API gaps
- find ticket - Christina White , start with Grace + ian
- CBS and COVID - Jennifer Antilla still following up with UCSF
- EMR exchanges in OpenHIE
- Jennifer Antilla Invite Jennifer to this call specifically next week to brainstorm on the partnership and where to include her, report up to the OpenHIE community
- Squad Function
- Jen met with the documentation team, Kaylin will help us - Jennifer Antilla to get Kaylin started in setting up templates based on product roadmap page, and getting started/pre-req guide
- Piotr will work with her - to develop the "flight path" for engaging in tickets/work in the FHIR squad
- Create a "Getting Started" Guide prerequisites section for those to learn about FHIR
- OpenHIE Academy
- UW FHIR tutorials
- Digital Square FHIR 101 Webinar
Ian, Jan, Jen, Daniel, Christina, Tendo, Piotr, Mozzy
- AMIA update FHIR workshop/hackathon
- GH working group
- JAMIA special issue coming up
- Webinars - use of global health tools for COVID response
- Status
- FR/mCSD support
- Facility Registry Workflows
- https://talk.openmrs.org/t/openmrs-support-for-a-fhir-based-facility-registry/34908
- Needed change to core to add field of type (concept) to link locations and concepts; aligns with referrals work that is happening - Tendo says out in alpha now, ready to test (UAT server https://uat-platform.openmrs.org and Https://uat-refapp.openmrs.org)
- ACTION: Need issue to update location mappings to account for the new core change - aiming for the 2.5.0 release
- Next step: need to know how to utilize this data in OpenMRS, does it break anything if using the new data (importing this data into locations table) - ACTION: TAC, Post on Talk
- OpenHIE IG, uses Questionnaire resource - need to know where that would map
- MFE might be driver of standardizing forms with Questionnaire
- Might have to set up FHIR server paired up with OpenMRS
- https://github.com/jembi/who-covid19-surveillance-package
- ACTION: Jen to work with Grace to get UCSF to share their current COVID exchange work
- FR/mCSD support
- How this squad works
- Example onboarding page: OpenMRS HL7 FHIR Solutions Demo Page
- flight path: sub-project pages and how to get involved, clear tangible pathway, prerequisites for getting involved
- guide for how to access the intro tickets
- developer guide (readme only right now)
- example: QA team, OCL/dictionary manager
- Leads of Epic - listed on front page
- ACTION: Jen looking for someone on the documentation team to help out
Piotr, Jan, Daniel, Jose, Jen, Tendo
- mCSD FR Update
- Org/Location -
- the referral work - connect order to facility/location, by loading valueset that the mCSD profile uses for type of facility;
- attach either concept or location to order - not ideal
- model it as mCSD profile does it - focus on location resource and location can have concepts attached to it
- Daniel confirmed they've added it for the 2.5 release (concept only)
- https://talk.openmrs.org/t/referrals-in-openmrs/19381/64
- Piotr and Mozzy to join platform team to talk through
- FHIR 2 module released: https://talk.openmrs.org/t/fhir2-release-1-3-0/34859
- Testing - Data generation - synthea + others
- ACTION: Jose share resources and discuss next call
Ian, Piotr, Christina, Mozzy, Daniel, Jan, Steve
- Release of FHIR Module
- OHRI feature -
- search for encounters by encounter type
- GSOC work - Medhavi's work, Obs across encounters widget/API
- Operations of release
- Unit tests and integration tests must be in place to cover it
- Deploy module to instance and verify still working
- Release notes done as Talk posts
- Update main page to include new parts of release
- Ian does it now; could be useful for an entry level person to learn how to do releases in the future;
- OHRI feature -
- FR workflow / mCSD
- GoFR mCSD profile → what does OpenMRS need to map and represent the resources
- Org, Location, Provider, Provider Role, Health Service
- Goal for now is use case of FR lookup - only consumer side of that use case
- Mozzy mapping location and orgs to OMRS hierarchy
- Facility is actually Org+Location pairing; connected by the ManagingOrg resource
- Core extension in mCSD profile is allows multiple hierarchies - dont address this now
- Tagging in OMRS as mCSD conformant facility location - additional information is modeled as attributes
- OpenMRS Facility Info
- Merge / Sync OMRS to FR hierarchies or just cache list as "subscription"/temporary since it's living data
- Problem is the UI / areas of OpenMRS using the cached data instead of the OpenMRS data model - lots of work
- OpenELIS example - JPA server pulls from HAPI FHIR for FR data, then maps 1:1 into OE data model
- Use Cases of Facility Info in OpenMRS
- drop down population in UI
- reporting
- referrals
- transfer in/outs
- Info needed - Facility ID (national identifier not internal), Name, Address/Location, Active/Not-active, Services Offered, Facility Type
- GoFR mCSD profile → what does OpenMRS need to map and represent the resources
- FHIR Squad Workflow
Ian, Jan, Joshua
- FHIR IG started https://fhir.openmrs.org/
- Org/Location issue -
- ACTION: Piotr to drill down into specifics of what is needed to support the use case for FR-OpenMRS exchange / mCSD profile
- data assumptions that are not in spec are often the issue (OpenCR example)
- Piotr supposed to do a Talk post
- Mozzy sample mappings
- ACTION: Piotr to drill down into specifics of what is needed to support the use case for FR-OpenMRS exchange / mCSD profile
- AMIA on FHIR: https://amia.org/education-events/amia-2021-annual-symposium/amiahl7-fhirr-applications-competition
- Next release?
- Platform 2.4 was bundled with 1.1, quite a few improvements in 1.22 to be included in 2.5 release
- Roadmap - plan to release when we have features people need
- MFE support (Jen keep on the radar for resourcing in october)
- mCSD profile support
- Options but need more clarification -
- Analytics Engine support
Ian, Piotr, Angshu, Suruchi, Steve, Christina, Jan, Grace, Jen, Tendo
- Bahmni standardized APIs
- OpenMRS platform 2.1.1 -> 2.4/5 upgrade focus
- Coarser grain API → FHIR based profiles
- OMRS Data Model missing the following - means Obs field getting heavily used/abused!
- Imaging (hacked up through Obs structure)
- Microbiology (no clear model; things hacked around Obs model. e.g. the culture. Bahmni Microbi/bacteriology so flexible that from one implementation to another, approaches not useable between implementations)
- Organizations (we have locations but no support for "Organization") FHIR doesn't mix location and organization. Coming up in facility registry workflows. (Problem for both Bahmni and UW/ITECH)
- Referral modelling: Procedure request, Counselling request - can fit into order model - info like location being referred to. So most OMRS implementations define a form, stored as obs, converted into service request.
- Event simple location & referral (reference to provider or location) - can potentially model an org by location.
- Suggested OpenMRS FHIR IG to document what we support - use Piotr's testable approach if possible
Jose, Ian, Mozzy, Tendo, Jan, Suruchi, Ken
- Roadmap & release?
- Last release - August
- GSOC work added to module
- Most helpful - understanding of the needs out there to be met, requirements
- FR
- is there something we are fundamentally missing in the OMRS data model? (TAC conversation)
- ACTION: jan work with grace to set up this conversation
- need to come to a decision about collaborative working approach here
- UW leads and just shares knowledge/decisions back with squad
- UW+squad outlines work in JIRA and completes together
- MFE support - need analysis, FHIR API v REST API
- ACTION: jan work with jen/grace to resource this analysis
- CBS - Ethiopia request for COVID
- disease specific - COVID, HIV, etc
- different country to country
- patient resource - questionnaire - observations → fixed part of your mapping; then customization per country
- PATH working on what methods and tools to do the customization part
- COVID IG - questionnaire, mapping spreadsheet
- examples of compositions (Jembi might have this)
- how to transform mappings
- data elements for case report from UCSF/Jembi
- WHO guidelines
- intersect with COVID squad?
- WHO FHIR IG: https://openhie.github.io/covid-ig/artifacts.html
- ACTION: jan find out where ucsf/jembi are, what we can jumpstart with
- ACTION: jose share concept note of approaching tooling/methods
- disease specific - COVID, HIV, etc
- Immunization - (not concrete ask yet, but coming)
- digital certificates - do we store these?
- fhir squad - how do we get these records/events in/out of openmrs
- NO ACTION: keep conversation on the radar to include in upcoming work/release
- FR
- Need to plan Analytics Engine pipeline vs OMRS EIP pipeline comparison call on Analytics Squad*
- ITECH updates - review mCSD work in early Septtember
- ITECH Needs input on how to map Org resource, otherwise would have to make specific table.
2021-08-17: Facility Registry Implementation Guide
Attendees: Grace, Piotr, Christina, Daniel, Mozzy, Tendo
(Draft) Concept Note - Facility Registry IG https://docs.google.com/document/d/17br8hI6BpWeaa6E8zWdea_hbHY5-oiXm9391Gzmu_DU/edit
- Goals
- Develop an OpenHIE-specific Implementation Guide (IG) for FHIR-based implementation of the OpenHIE Facility Registry (FR) workflows.
- Base the specifications on the IHE mCSD (mobile Care Services Discovery) Profile, as outlined in the following IG: (https://ihe.github.io/ITI.mCSD/artifacts.html)
- Add test artifacts (acceptance criteria, test scripts, test data) to IG that can validate conformance with the outlined specifications.
- Add facility workflow support in OpenELIS and OpenMRS, using OpenHIM and GoFR
- Incorporate testable IG artifacts in OpenELIS and OpenMRS Quality Assurance Pipelines
- Deploy developments as Instant OpenHIE laboratory package
- A lot of mCSD approach to queries isn't supported in many LMIC contexts - idea is to focus on master facility list
- Need to do work on FHIR module side to support needed resources, esp. Organizations; missing mapping for Org resource in FHIR module
- Need input on how to map them, otherwise would have to make specific table. Are there places where this is already stored, or do we need a new table to natively store the FHIR Org resource (that can support both the vanilla Org and the Facility-specific Org)
- Next Step: Mozzy & Piotr to look into it in more detail
- Additional work beyond the FHIR module needed: orchestration of communication transactions to go from OMRS to GoFR (Facility Registry) to OELIS
- Would OMRS-EIP work? Maybe, but more likely to use Analytics Engine approach with Debezium since want a FHIR-based approach and use Debezium (although OMRS EIP is also based on Debezium and Mekom looking at FHIR-izing it). Also doesn't leverage OpenHIE framework/standards - does Sync between two systems directly; good if you want integration btwn 2 systems directly.
- Next Step: Piotr & Mozzy to raise question about EIP vs AES model with Analytics Engine squad this week
- Need input on how to map them, otherwise would have to make specific table. Are there places where this is already stored, or do we need a new table to natively store the FHIR Org resource (that can support both the vanilla Org and the Facility-specific Org)
- Practitioner & Location: Practitioner done, May have to update Location resource
- Service: not really looking at these workflows
- Mobile Care Services Discovery (mCSD) https://wiki.ihe.net/index.php/Mobile_Care_Services_Discovery_(mCSD)
- Mobile Care Services Discovery (mCSD Profile) https://ihe.github.io/ITI.mCSD/index.html
Attendees: Grace, Ian, Jen, Mozzy, Christina
1 or 2 small and not so small use cases that need to be optimized, but other than that not sure what else needs to be done
review of the usage of the fhir api in 3.0 - did we make progress? No - This would be a good project for a student. Grace and Ian to meet on this.
Attendees: Grace, Jose, Piotr, Mozzy, Jan, Ken, Steve, Christine
Debriefed Gazelle Deep Dive with IHE Services on Friday. (Recording of Gazelle Deep Dive on 7/30)
Our impression: Gazelle is more for test Management and Traceability. User builds test scripts themselves. There’s support for native fhir testing but unclear if it’s really mature enough. Currently missing Gherkin/syntax/BDD approach to setting up tests.
IHE is looking for input to improve Gazelle. We should explore what the gaps are that we think are needed in order to meet our needs. IHE may have resources and could improve the tool.
Q: Are they providing services for pay?
IHE: Capabilities need to have test script, criteria, narrative (can be in Gherkin). Tools to execute the tests.
Support for Analytics Engine Squad/Jembi/DISI
Attendees:Alexander Berler, Ankit, Christine Gichuki, Didi Davis, Ian, Jen, John Moehrke, Jose, Medhavi, Joseph, Moses, Piotr, Dylan, Ken, Steve
- IHE Services introductions
- Piotr gave a re-cap of current work on testing approach
- John has been thinking of making this a complement IG
- Country-specific needs, mappings may also drive/extend general test scripts
- Do this in a way that ministries/governments can lead this
- How do you summarize complex results so they are understandable?
- How do you convey, communicate what we mean by quality?
- Those writing the scripts also have a responsibility in defining what is minimally acceptable and/or expected
- John shared test plan: https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/MHD/testplan.html
- Next steps
- Get something working (focusing on one part of the workflow)
- Piotr is setting up a reference environment to run tests against, involving OpenMRS, OpenELIS, HAPI FHIR Server & OpenHIM
- Working on a collection of postman tests on the OpenELIS side to send out to SHR
- Moses is looking at expressing this scenario in Gherkin
- InstantHIE has a Cucumber based test framework that they use
- Jose offered to help look at the translation TestScript-Postman
- Alexander brought up IHE environment already set up for OpenMRS-OpenELIS, Gazelle
- Dylan: Doesn't currently support Gherkin scripting, don't use Postman right now
- Action item: Set up a time to go over Gazelle and look at supporting Gherkin, how IHE does test design, planning
- Friday, July 30th at 4pm EAT | 9am ET | 6am PT
- FHIR Board Review https://om.rs/fhirboard
- Squad Showcase Prep/Check In
Attendees: Ian, Piotr, Jan, Mozzy, Medhavi, Jose, Christine, Grace, Tendo, Daniel, Jen, Ken
- EMR-LIS QA and IG concept note and update from Piotr
- @Piotr Mankowski will be talking about testing approaches between components at the next OpenHIE DevOps call on July 12. To add this to your calendar, please click on this link and add your email as a guest.
- Piotr, Jose, and Mozzy met last week to work on the concept note. Piotr will be working to create some tests for the workflow and see how they can be stored as test scripts, how we can represent that scenario as Gherkin scenario
- Goal is to be consistaent with OpenHIE guidance/standards (section 4.6 of the OpenHIE Architecture) as well as OpenMRS, OpenELIS community standards
- Take the guidance and test an Order Laboratory Test workflow - show that the approach is feasible and can be used for testing
- Each individual transaction that relate to each service/system will need to be tested
- OpenMRS responsible for testing transactions specific to OpenMRS, same with OpenELIS.
- Creating a lab order in OpenMRS is not one thing
- OpenHIE is the glue that brings the QA done by GG actors - defines actors & transactions, makes them available via the IG. Specify the resources to be used.
- OpenMRS responsible for testing transactions specific to OpenMRS, same with OpenELIS.
- Work backwards to define what is piloted
- Feedback on concept note, work being done is welcome.
- Piotr will provide updates
- Ian: not possible to go directly from a test script to Gherkin. Will need to figure out how to express this in Gherkin.
- Jose CBS/CBR IG + CBS Updates
- Every week: FHIR Board Review https://om.rs/fhirboard
- Next week's squad showcase
- FHIR2 Module roadmap
Attendees: Piotr, Jen, Ankit, Ian, Cliff, Daniel, Grace, Lars, Suruchi, Medhavi, Moses, Christina, Maurya, Mr. Brian
- PLIR TX_CURR POC demo from Cliff
- PLIR non-technical documentation
- How does this actually solve problems on the ground.
- Cliff to have draft ready for review by the end of this week, finalized by next FHIR Squad meeting
- Every week: FHIR Board Review https://om.rs/fhirboard
- FM2-347 more work to be done on comments for review
- FM2-367 on hold
- FM202- on hold
- FM-195 - held up for FM 202
- There is a whole epic that is not included - the work Medhavi is doing - Ian will get those epics on the board
Attendees: Piotr, Ankit, Daniel, Jan, Medhavi, Moses, Suruchi, Jose, Lars, Cliff, Tendo, Maurya, Steve, Ken
- FHIR Board Review
- Botswana EMR-LIS IG
- Next steps: building out logical model, resources, how to test these two systems
- Example Scenario (Allergy) shared by Jose
- Botswana EMR-LIS IG
- PLIR status check in
- Cliff has been working on TX_CURR and is putting together a video. He'll demo this next week.
- Cliff and Moses are working on non-technical + technical documentation. Aim is to share draft by next Tuesday. See Talk discussion for details.
- Testing Approach
- Outline of workflow
- Questions:
- How do we integrate a standard representation of test batteries with actual testing tools like cucumber studio / postman / etc.?
- How do we differentiate between generic tests that can be stored as part of the IG and system-specific tests? Should IG testing only focus on system-system aspects, like between an EMR and LIS? EMR and SHR/MPI?
- Can we create tests in a generic way so that they can be run with multiple testing tools?
- Test data: Jose shared points from discussion about synthetic data
- Use the IG to trigger Synthea
- Jose will follow up with Carl about timelines for similar work (possibly under TAP)
- Practical outline of an idealized testing workflow using an IG
Translate priorities into Epics; Assign tech lead to each
Attendees: Christina, Piotr, Ian, Jennifer, Daniel, Grace, Joseph, David, Suruchi, Tendo
- JIRA board review (https://om.rs/fhirboard):
- FM-367 is being de-prioritized - moving from using the base openmrs cohort to a module that uses cohort
- Lab Workflow
- Lots of work on Botswana side, but enhancements need to be pulled back in
- Profiles derive from IPS profiles
- Talk more about it next week
- FM-323 - DONE - ticket canceled (PLIR project finishing
- SMART on FHIR tickets - GSOC project
- FM2-375 - Close ticket (OpenCR-specific)
- TX_CURR sprint started by Cliff (PLIR-TX_CURR Epic)
- Facility Registry Workflow- no tickets added yet, just a placeholder
- Updated to HAPI FHIR 5.4.0
- Work coming to an end this month
- Jen working on draft for final report (due 23 June)
- IHE Europe Connectathon
- Happening next week
- Monthly OpenHIE DevOps call on 7 June
- InstantHIE update, including demos, FHIR IG
- Re-visited idea of having a hackathon-connectathon linked to the OpenHIE Meeting in October
- Notes: https://wiki.ohie.org/display/resources/2021-06-07+OHIE+DevOps+Call
- Recording: https://archive.org/details/2021-06-07-dev-ops-call-trim
Attendees: Christina, Piotr, Ian, Jan, Ankit, Medhavi, Lars, Suruchi, Mozzy, JJ, Grace, Kaweesi
- JIRA board update (https://om.rs/fhirboard)
- Grounding Priorities
- Review of current list of grounding priorities: Grounding Priorities
- AMPATH priorities
- UCSF priorities
- Discussion about JIRA Epics and Release Schedule
- How should we manage the work on each Epic?
- Distributed model: Should a certain person and group be responsible for a given Epic? (TPM plays part in coordinating)
- In MF Squad, feature epics are usually owned by the lead dev, that names the Epic and creates the tickets required to complete it.
- Centralized model: Should we instead have a single lead person or set of people who would manage Epics for the squad? Responsibilities: pulling out what is required, bringing discussions to the squad, and managing the required resources to be able to do the actual work. (a more active TPM/PM )
- Hybrid approach: Depending on the scope of the Epic, it might make more sense to use one model or the other, or some hybrid of both.
- Overall, we're basically trying to document what our workflow has been like in the FHIR2 squad
- Review of Epic board to confirm technical ownership
- Testing
Attendees: Christina, Piotr, Jose, Mozzy, Cliff, Bett, Daniel, Esther, Grace, Ian, Kaweesi, Lars, David, Stanlaus, Tendo
Recording: https://iu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/t/1_czfch1cv
- Announcements:
Digital Square FHIR® Profiling & Documentation Webinar (Jose is presenting!)
May 26, 2021 | 8-10 am ET/ 2-4 pm SAST/ 9-10 pm SGT Register here
- Jose CBS/CBR IG + CBS Updates
- Discussions with Jembi on HIV, no updates on CBS
- Testing:
- Jose is pursuing the technical implementation of this. Discussed with Lloyd
- Missing link: linking test script to the artifacts, nothing conceptually new - need examples
- Piotr talked to OpenHIE about their approach to testing, overlap with Jose's ideas
- Jose has also spoken with John at IHE
- Work more on concrete examples
- Test driven development/specifications
- TODO: Piotr will present this at next week's call
- Review of HL7 Belgium Way of Working
- LIS EHR FHIR Implementation Guide updates from Piotr
- Walkthrough of LIS-EMR FHIR IG for Botswana, based on previous LIS-EMR guide, OpenHIE guide
- Updates: Grounding Priorities
- Intellisoft Priorities
- UCSF Priorities
- FHIR Board Review https://om.rs/fhirboard
Attendees: Ian, Jen, Grace P, Ankit, Cliff, Bett, Daniel, Esther, Ian, Jan, Joseph K, Medhavi, Stanslaus (PATH), Piotr, Suruchi, Tendo
- Reviewed grounding priorities of Implementers in squad
- Created OpenHIE Topics Parking Lot (top of the meeting notes page)
- Welcome:
- Stanslaus from PATH
- Ankit & Medhavi: Selected as GSOC students for FHIR-related projects!
- TODO: Next week: Updates on Intellisoft & PATH fhir-related priorities to come next week.
- TODO: Next week: LMIS EHR FHIR Implementation Guide updates from Piotr
- FHIR Board Review https://om.rs/fhirboard
- Ian working on Immunization Resource this week → unblocks next FHIR release soon
- FHIR Client Support completed
- Ian working on Immunization Resource this week → unblocks next FHIR release soon
Attendees: Christina, Jen, Ankit, Bashir, Daniel, Esther, Medhavi, Tendo, Moses, Kaweesi, Brian, Patric, Suruchi
Dev Updates
- 365: Ankit: This can be closed
- 373 & 362: Medhavi: both have been completed and closed.
- 347: Moses reviewed this with Cliff. Still in progress.
- Mozzy: has been working on a testing approach for PLIR and spinning up a Dockerized instance of PLIR.
Attendees: Christina, Ian, Jen, Ankit, Bashir, Daniel, Esther, Grace Bish, Medhavi, Patric, Maurya, Tendo, Jan, Moses, Kaweesi, Lars
- Board Review (and Epic Name updates)
- Update Epic name to reflect problem. Aim: communicate what the epic is trying to solve
- 347: Cliff is still working on this
- 356: Still in progress
- 365: Ankit waiting on Ian's reply
- Sprint
- Jose CBS/CBR IG + CBS Updates
- Sent a draft for making IGs testable
- Discussions for General Module 2 Improvements
- FHIR module is slow in some cases (esp with high volume of data). This is killing the patient list feature.
- Ian proposed cacheing idea
- FHIR Pipeline discussion (PLIR - CBS - Analytics-Musoke OHRI request harmonization)
- System field for identifiers discussion
- Problem: Make sure we can differentiate between patient identifiers. How do we get the URL information into the system?
- Possible approach is similar to cases (concepts) where we need FHIR specific table
- Separate from global property setting
- Timeline dependant on having someone who can take this on
- FHIR Module vision / priorities on the wiki
- Cool kids update for testing approach
- Schedule for Lab FHIR IG overview - no updates this week
Attendees: Christina, Lars, Jose, Mozzy, Ian, Jen, Ankit, Tendo, Jan, Daniel, Bett, Piotr, Medhavi, Bashir, Cliff, Grace
- Mozzy dockerization demo - PLIR updates
- openmrs - openhim - hapi fhir as SHR
- PLIR widget for visualizing the fhir measure resource (rather than using postman)
- Add patient to openmrs -< resource exported to HAPI - query to show patient record → widget shows 0 for indicator b/c no observations; go back and add obs → now indicator is 1
- now add pt with suppressed VL value, see a change in the denominator
- is there a way to add a "description/def" to the result page of the widget (for those viewing the demo to understand what the indicator is)?
- automated testing / validation
- Next steps: most of the deliverables are completed, need to work more closely with analytics
- OHRI data load into another HAPI FHIR instance - can we align with OHRI? https://talk.openmrs.org/t/sending-a-patient-bundle-to-hapifhir/33262/10
- A good point of the idea behind the PLIR POC was to also develop a model for loading data into a HAPI server.
- Bashir -
- recent update in HAPI → point to IG?
- we would need to standardize our efforts and work off an IG (shall contain X,Y etc)
- config file in HAPI before deploying you change the yaml file to point to package ID of IG, operation defs and structure defs and mappings in IG will be contained in HAPI
- OHRI data load into another HAPI FHIR instance - can we align with OHRI? https://talk.openmrs.org/t/sending-a-patient-bundle-to-hapifhir/33262/10
- New member to the squad - Lars from UCSF
- Board Review
- Patient Lists (Bett) - unable to make progress due to an upgrade, coming week will be working on a few issues - will be creating more tickets and working on them
- Creating Encounters (Medhavi and Piotr) - work is pushed today and needs someone to review (Ian)
- MFE (Cliff and Ian) - in code review, incorporating feedback from Ian
- MFE API review (Christina and Jan) - need help
- Lab IG (Piotr) - ongoing with Botswana project, havent done much directly recently
- ACTION: schedule for overview on FHIR squad call in 2-3 weeks
- FHIR Clients (Ian) - pending, no update
- SoF (Ankit) - ready for Ian's review
- General - still on hold, need feedback, add to agenda items for next week
- DELAY - System field for identifiers discussion
- DELAY - FHIR Module vision / priorities on the wiki
- DELAY - CBS updates (next week Jose IG overview)
- DELAY - Cool kids update for testing approach
Attendees: Christina, Jan, Ian, Bashir, Ankit, Matthew Dickie (JEMBI), Piotr, Tendo, Daniel, Jose, Cliff, Medhavi, Grace P
Regrets: Jen on leave
- Introduction of new member: Matthew Dickie - JEMBI Dev/BA
- Dev board review
- Patient Lists - Bett
- Encounters - Piotr + Medhavi
- Ian made the fixes, merged
- Ian - Immunization resource still in progress, PR documenting progress
- History - Dimitri committed a version that works maybe, but might have some gaps
- Integration tests - simulates sending a request to FHIR2 module, then running it through to the db, translating to FHIR resources, verifying/validating
- Jose - are we looking at registration event, or is it more like "read" for smart vaccine cert
- working with IHE Pharm WG - implementing profile for immunization reg event (there's a Belgian model that Jose is comparing it with, no draft yet)
- IHE not working on the passport/cert - includes QR codes, etc (Carli at PATH working on those)
- Ian - Immunization resource still in progress, PR documenting progress
- Lab IG - Piotr, no progress
- FHIR client - no updates, Dickinson college project (small request at times in the community, but not high priority)
- SoF - Ankit waiting on Ian's reply on github
- General
- FM2-163 support for FHIR resources (really keep the FHIR2 module from halting when loading new modules into OpenMRS)
- move back to in progress, still looking for solution (priority: nice to have)
- problem: if you load new module while running, fhir2 module will stop working
- effects MFE specifically
- reassigned to Daniel with Ian+ Piotr assisting
- FM2-373 system field for identifiers - Piotr
- stalled on iSantePlus side b/c using slightly modified version of FHIR2 module
- ACTION: Needs discussion about how to set the system field (where do we fit this in?)
- FM2-163 support for FHIR resources (really keep the FHIR2 module from halting when loading new modules into OpenMRS)
- Board Issues
- No way for folks outside of the squad to know what the priorities
- ACTION: Talk with Grace - can take a look at how to set up a "product vision" on the wiki for folks to be able to view
- DELAY - Demo of pre-configured dockerized setup (Mozzy)
- delay until next week to view something that he's working on this week (per Ian)
- CBS for OHRI
- Minimum data set completed by UCSF
- Jembi mapped MDS to FHIR resources needed
- Ian+Grace mapped to what the FHIR2 module currently supports+needs more discussion/assigned
- Mapping & Comments Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XC1PMuJnOJl-XB7T6R78HQ5JXHMfgGZ9eQunkv_LbSU/edit#gid=261726452
- Items for discussion before slating the work
- "needs curation" - needs discussion about how to support the structure in OHRI
- marital status - recorded as obs, so needs custom work to map into attribute on patient record, could use SNOMED codes
- ward/div/commune - no FHIR mapping available
- relatedperson.name - have a way to specify relationships in openmrs, but its free text - hard to convert to coded relationship to convert to FHIR; often captured as obs
- Jose - mapping is really important here
- formal mapping - jSON file of FHIR concept mapping
- Piotr - and they should be computable
- Jose - FHIR analyzer, mandatory fields with how they should be filled in
- Matthew - set up template on how to map things,
- some of these things may map neatly, others need a bit of transformation, may need a prefix/suffix/dateformat changes - template should reflect those
- https://build.fhir.org/mapping-language.html
- ACTION: need a field for OpenMRS data elements (Ian, Jan, Grace discuss approach to this)
- ACTION: need to hone in on discuss and needs curation (Ian, Jan, Grace discuss approach to this)
- ACTION: Matthew to check on his time to start working on the initial ideas for doing the formal mapping
- formal mapping - jSON file of FHIR concept mapping
- Items for discussion before slating the work
- DELAY - Testing against standards re:cool kids update (mozzy, jose, piotr)
- continue focus on this
Attendees: Christina, Jan, Grace, Jen, Ankit, Jose, Maurya, Piotr, Bett, Bashir, Tendo, Mozzy, Medhavi, Cliff, Joshua, Ken
- JIRA Board → om.rs/fhirboard
- Sprint got accidentally closed?
- Dev Updates
- Encounters
- Piotr has 2 PRs to complete addressing reviewer comments (one encounters - period and type additions)
- Medhavi has the day/time field missing for 352 to be completed
- What happens now?
- Does it get released? What is our release process/plan for when we decide to do it?
- Ian planning to include this and bug fixes soon
- Historically ended up in the main branch that weren't ready, b/c folks write unit tests but don't do integration tests
- Release candidate:
- What is the QA process around this?
- Ian currently releases when he "feels confident" that everything is ready and works....
- Integration testing - CI testing/automated
- How do we align/leverage the QA team guidelines/direction?
- Mozzy - scripting technologies around testing
- Ian - we are doing something like this with OCL
- Piotr - structured testing packages with specifications, based on conversation with Jose
- Jose - some testing guidance/scripts should/might be included in the IGs - specifcially referring to the CBS/CBR work
- ACTION: over the next couple of week sub-group (aka "cool kids") will work on a proposal of a more structured systematic approach to testing against standards, etc
- Mozzy, Jose, and Piotr
- Who is the target driver of this priority epic - and can we have them do acceptance testing on this?
- AMPATH + Analytics engine squad, but mostly generalizable
- don't necessarily need the acceptance testing for this epic
- Does it get released? What is our release process/plan for when we decide to do it?
- PLIR (Cliff)
- update - setting up dockerized instance for test
- Mozzy looking at frameworks for PLIR testing
- Is there a reason we don't have tickets for this work? Currently in the infra board, not sure why some of the tickets don't appear in the FHIR board (Grace: add to the PLIR epic)
- Smart on FHIR GSOC (Ankit)
- 365 still in progress, Ian just reviewed PRs and Ankit now needs to address the comments
- FHIR Client Service
- 357 is a team of 3 people who are writing some tests for it
- Patient Lists (Bett) - no progress this week, update next week
- MFE support
- Cliff - did some mappings for 347 and waiting for review from Ian
- Immunizations - Ian - working on integration tests and re-fixing all the code, not ready for code review
- LIS-EMR FHIR IG (Piotr) - still in progress
- General
- System Identifiers
- ACTION: make this an agenda item for next week so we can assign it
- important for the HT work, but others expressed interest - Piotr assigned himself to it
- increase priority ticket to "must", and explanation that this is for a real implementation (re: acceptance testing!)
- 163 (Ian) no progress
- 375 (?) should this even live in the FHIR module?
- forcing name to be official is in the FHIR spec, but important for the exchange with MPI - so might need to live in MPI Client Module
- incorporate legal name flag into core?
- ACTION: add this to agenda - demo solution in MPI module
- System Identifiers
- Encounters
- CBS/CBR FHIR IG update from Jose
- still adding resources, testing approach to the IG - not much progress this week from last week
- PLIR / DASH connect the dots
- Demo for preconfigured Dockerized instance of PLIR -
- ACTION: Mozzy will do next week
Attendees: Christina, Jan, Jen, Daniel, Domou, Mozzy, Jose, Tendo, Medhavi, Bashir, Ankit, Kenneth, Steve, Cliff, Ian, Grace, Ankit
- JIRA Board → om.rs/fhirboard
- Encounters
- Medhavi - in code review stage but for one issue
- FM2-352 blocked: day/time field causing error when creating encounter - need 366 (Piotr) to be merged in order to proceed on 352
- General Issues (Ian)
- FM2-163 FHIR module causing errors on MFE (need label to be added to board)
- How-to add label to issue in JIRA → Edit issue, select Sprint (it will show you which projects hold which sprints)
- PR reviews
- Tendo
- FM2-130 Mapping - Ian will review PR today
- PLIR (Mozzy)
- Automating more tasks for the docker set up to integrate into the automated framework,
- Preparing PLIR demo for squad showcase
- Cliff
- FM2-347: implementing a search parameter for servicerequest and observation resources - waiting for PR review
- Ankit
- FM2-371 and 365: Smart on FHIR module, started encounter support
- Christina and Piotr
- No support for systems within identifiers - outside of use category there is no way to select an identifier
- Not sure if Piotr created a ticket for it - he updated to include support for system within each identifier
- Ian: sending identifiers w/o system b/c there is no way to systematically determine URL without user inputting something
- Ian: Need an implementation identifier, because IDs are relative to implementation or a national standard - context specific
- Ian: instance of implementation ID in OpenMRS, but it's not normally filled out
- Jose: wanted a map to see who is implementing what, needed a system identifier (this is related)
- could this be a FHIR resource (yes)
- device resource → can we utilize this? placeholder for application ID
- christina: how is this populated when FHIR module loaded in implementation?
- capabilities statement if published?
- CBS updates (Jose)
- case reporting IG is up, still adding features: https://openhie.github.io/case-reporting/
- Want multi language content
- to-do: e2e sample - custom format mapping to q-r, q-r extraction to FHIR resources, structure and definition, measures
- Future discussion/CBR Overview (preferably with Jembi):
- share case reporting background, IG model/map,
- highlight where OpenMRS fits in
- PLIR work - possibly a foundation?
- Jose to provide update next Tuesday, presentation+discussion the following week or scheduling as he is ready - should probably include JEMBI as they are also part of this work
- case reporting IG is up, still adding features: https://openhie.github.io/case-reporting/
- How do folks get access to JIRA board?
- Need OMRS Jira account (who do they contact to get that?)
- Request an account at OpenMRS helpdesk.
- In the Summary text box, state that you would like to have edit access to wiki and JIRA.
- Submit the helpdesk request.
- Need OMRS Jira account (who do they contact to get that?)
- Encounters
- Squad Showcase Presentation
- Grace: FHIR first messaging
- Decision to start a new FHIR2 module - story of evolution
- What does it mean to get to FHIR first?
- House a FHIR data model? Dynamically map to FHIR?
- why fhir-first model?
- export from OMRS that can be used directly by other systems
- clear guidance on kinds of entities and objects in health data in your EMR (not making it up - using external expertise to guide our model)
- reduce mental burden by providing basic building blocks
- re-usable pieces
- fhir provides a search API - easier in FHIR, much harder in the current OMRS API
- jose: not so ambitious to have everythign based on fhir, but whatever we do from now on, the first thing we look towards is 'can it be done in fhir'.... rather than meaning all is on fhir, just that our roadmap is on fhir
- where do people go to take a look at things? when do we recommend each of the following?
- FHIR API wiki page
- not just theory - using this for MFE
- call out work on OpenELIS integration, SHR, OpenCR
- FHIR module code repo - shouldn't need to touch this, unless they need to change the way we are mapping to FHIR, should just need to install mostly
- FHIR API wiki page
- What does it mean to get to FHIR first?
- Decision to start a new FHIR2 module - story of evolution
- Grace: FHIR first messaging
- Documentation
Attendees: Christina, Ian, Jan, Jen, Grace, Bashir, Kaweesi, Cliff, Bett, Piotr, Patric, Tendo, Medhavi, Jose, Domou, Daniel, Ankit
Recording: https://iu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/t/1_8njj5m69
- Agenda:
- Community meeting and squad showcase
- PLIR Update
- Updates on patient lists and flags
- Case based reporting needs
- Community Meeting and Squad Showcase
- Next Wednesday and Thursday we're having a show case
- Combine Implementer's show case and squad show case
- Thursday April 8th at 2 PM UTC
- Ian can demonstrate the SMART on FHIR workflow to promote something that will be coming
- Brown is currently wanting to promote building SoF apps with their students, and needs hooks in OpenMRS so students can leverage this in their projects
- Standalone and EHR launch - starting with single FHIR endpoint
- Mozzy will do a demo of PLIR
- Community Meeting Wiki page: 2021-04 April Mini-Meeting & Spring ShowCase
- slide deck: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1J9aalwx6e0bH8SyYifq732HSYyBNZGRHtdUHBmFp_bw/edit#slide=id.ga58f6c5877_0_33
- PLIR update
- Finalizing the libraries
- currently working on a testing framework that can validate the data extracted into FHIR
- looking at scripts like being used in the analytics engine
- also looking at testing frameworks that support HIE
- Atom feed and debezium for Bahmni
- which path will be used? currently atomfeed client within bahmni
- Can Mozzy do a PLIR presentation for the community meeting?
- working on a preconfigured dockerized setup: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-plir-dockerized-setup
- the week after the community meeting Mozzy will give a demo/deep dive into PLIR
- Updates on patient lists and flags
- there is an implementation for the flag resource - almost complete
- support for flag resource and those that depend on the implementation will be separate
- Case based reporting needs
- UCSF has min data set and curating terminology standards - such as in the CIEL dictionary
- This is driven by OHRI (OpenMRS HIV Reference Implementation)
- Will be in a pipeline with the DISI (data integration strategy) workstream being led by JEMBI
- FHIR questionnaire/response approach? - to go to SHR
- Jose: Case reporting FHIR IG https://openhie.github.io/case-reporting/
- Key features, longitudinal wide but not heavy
- Translation of questionnaire
- Transformations out of a bundle
- Measures for indicators
- Maybe DQ, provenance, etc
- Includes testing, semantics, consistency in use of resources
- What about timelines for FHIR2 updates needed to feed into OHRI to be in compliance with FHIR IG
Attendees: Ian, Bashir, Joachim, Ankit, Christina, Daniel, Grace Nakiguli, Grace Potma, Jan, Jen, Jessie Anker, Bett, Joseph Kaweesi, Medhavi Srivastava, Moses, Patric, Piotr, Sri Maurya, Tendo
Recording: https://iu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/t/1_ns87dpyk
What we want out of this call:
- Review the FHIR Board (https://om.rs/fhirboard)
- Begin discussions around support for CBS/Case Reporting
FHIR Board Review
- Use epics to track larger pieces of work, documentation
- Current Priorities:
- Patient Lists for OpenMRS - by Bett from AMPATH
- Flags: MFE squad / 3.0 demo needs resources to support notifications: resources & flags https://www.hl7.org/fhir/flag.html http://www.hl7.org/fhir/communication.html - Bett has been experimenting with supporting patient flags; some support for flag resource. Bett to add more tickets to capture this ongoing work.
- Support creating Encounters - by Medhavi
- Allows to create Encounters via the FHIR API. So FHIR Encounters are mapped to OMRS Encounters; adding in bit of metadata to differentiate them. Close to being merged.
- Microfrontend Support - by Christina & Ian
- Christina to go through 3.0 Demo to i.d. where REST API is being relied on instead of the FHIR API; log those gaps as tickets and begin work on those.
- Lab Workflow - documentation ongoing by Piotr from ITECH
- Support for FHIR Clients -
- FHIR2 Module Improvements
- Patient Lists for OpenMRS - by Bett from AMPATH
- Christine will add tickets/address gaps
- Process: managing prioritization, assignments, documentation
- Prioritization
- Will have overlapping work/complex dependencies across epics
- Linking tickets - something to try
- Talk through dependencies
- Look at short list every week - this should reflect current priorities
- Delegate assignments on each call
- Documentation:
- Prioritization
2021-03-16 Squad Call
- What we want out of this call:
- Clarity on FHIR Squad roadmap
- Explore using FHIR IGs to capture FHIR module capabilities
- Squad note-taking conventions
- Take the notes in real-time on the OpenMRS Wiki
- Bold key points, action items, key decisions
- Note taker: start each call by asking for a note taker. No volunteers = someone is voluntold
- Roadmap
- New FHIR module release
- Subscriptions will not be in the next release
- Need to be able to create resources for lab orders, med orders, encounters, visits
- FHIR-based patient lists
- Role of FHIR module vis a vis FHIR Squad
- FHIR module is the basis for supporting FHIR, provides infrastructure
- FHIR module is not the home for everything FHIR-related
- Request, sending is part of the FHIR module
- Collecting, storing data is with a particular/relevant module
- FHIR module should not depend on anything else besides the OpenMRS platform
- Actual workflow does not belong in the FHIR module, but is the responsibility of OpenMRS platform or other modules that rely upon the FHIR module for the infrastructure to support FHIR bundles/pathways
- Work to integrate CR, MPI belongs in the FHIR module
- How to translate the conceptual requirements into a format that we can use to describe capabilities and test them (long term - conformance testing) +1
- Write an “OpenMRS FHIR IG” to use for our base requirements/boundaries for FHIR module and other modules?
- Be sure that we’re actually documenting what we’re implementing
- IGs help others reproduce this
- Document specific choices we’ve made for LIS
- Define the boundaries of the FHIR module
- OHRI + integration with other systems
- Current FHIR IG
- LIS-EMR IG for OpenHIE: https://pmanko.github.io/emr-lis-ig/index.html
- CBS IG? Should this be utilizing just the IPS/SHR IG?
- Need to document capabilities and boundaries as SOP for developing on the FHIR module
- Lots of issues/tickets created - some too general
- Epics created to group tickets - good!
- Can we tie epics to documentation of requirements on the Wiki? So that folks like Patric and Jan could review and make sure the requirements are representative of what is needed for an implementation. Then look at epics+tickets to see if the work is assigned, etc.
- Sprints: use it to double check being on track - have mini-backlogs - board view could see which epic are getting attention.
- Use Jira board to help gain clarity on priorities
- QA
- Acceptance testing still lies with the team creating the work (fhir squad), wont be shifting testing to an outside team - but…
- May create a ticket in JIRA for QA support on a specific “thing” to be tested outside of the team (such as those participating on the QA team)
- “Edit issue -> “Components” change to “QA” -- this will make this issue show up for the QA team to address, or have a QA automation engineer to work on automating a test for this (Such as Kawees
- Acceptance testing still lies with the team creating the work (fhir squad), wont be shifting testing to an outside team - but…
- Action items
- Grace Potma Ian Bacher to meet today to set up a sprint model that reflects current priorities
- Others to give feedback on Jira board by the end of the week
- Recordings