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The Trigger Condition dropdown lets users define the specific condition to be checked on the Trigger Component. This could include options like "is empty", "not empty", "equals", “not equals”, "greater than or equal to", "less than or equal to", etc.

Trigger Value

The Target Value dropdown is used to select or enter the value to be checked against the Trigger Condition. The Target Value component will only be visible if the conditions are "equals," "not equals," "greater than or equal to," or "less than or equal to."

Target Action

The Target Action dropdown specifies what action should be taken when the Trigger Condition is met. Examples: include hiding a field or custom validation logic.


Ensure that users do not skip mandatory fields in your form. With a simple toggle button, you can make any field required.

In a form, if you want to ensure that the "Name" field is mandatory, simply toggle the "Required" option for the "Name" field to enforce this validation.


Control whether date fields can accept future dates. This is particularly useful for fields like "Date of Birth" where future dates should be restricted.

For a "Date of Birth" field, toggle the "Disallow Future Dates" option to ensure users cannot select a date in the future.


Enable fields to decline decimal values when necessary. For example, age cannot be in decimal values.

For an "Age" field, toggle the "Disallow Decimal Values" option to decline entries like 12.2.


Check if a Field is Empty or Not Empty

Build a condition to check if the "Name" field is empty and trigger a corresponding action if it is.


Check if a Field is Equal to a Target Value

Check if the "Sex" field value is equal to "F" and display relevant fields accordingly.


Check if a Field's Value is Greater Than or Less Than a Target Value

Ensure the "Age" field value is greater than 18 to display additional fields for adult users.


Combine conditions using logical operators (&&, ||) to build comprehensive validation rules.

Check if the Name and Age fields are not empty, then show relevant fields accordingly.


The hideWhenExpression action allows you to control the visibility of form fields based on specified conditions. This is particularly useful when you want certain fields to appear only when certain criteria are met, enhancing the user experience by showing only relevant fields.

Example Scenario

Consider a scenario where you are building a form that has two fields: Are you currently in HIV care or under ART? and Reason for being in HIV care or on ART. You want the Reason for being in HIV care or on the ART field to be visible only if Are you currently in HIV care or under ART? is equal to Yes.


  1. Define the Expression: Create a condition that checks if the Are you currently in HIV care or under ART? equals 'No'.

  2. Apply the Expression: Use hideWhenExpression to make the Reason for being in HIV care or on the ART field hidden unless the condition is met.


In this example, the Reason for being in HIV care or in the ART field will only be shown when the Are you currently in HIV care or under ART? is equal to Yes.
