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OpenMRS SDK allows for rapid development of modules and the OpenMRS Platform code. It is an ever expanding project with a rich feature-set, outlined below. Operating System compatibility was also taken into account, allowing users to install the SDK and be up and running within a few minutes on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.


The command will delete the server as well as the database it used. If the command fails for some reason, you can delete the server manually by dropping ~/openmrs/mysever (Linux/Mac) or %userprofile%\openmrs (Windows) directory.

Creating projects

Create a new content package template module in a non-interactive mode

Code Block
mvn org.openmrs.maven.plugins:openmrs-sdk-maven-plugin:5.16.0-SNAPSHOT:create-project -Dtype=content-package -DmoduleId=hiv -DmoduleName=Hiv -DgroupId=org.openmrs.content -Dversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT -Dcontentpackage=1.0.0 -DmoduleDescription="this is a basic content package template project"

Creating OpenMRS module


Creating OpenMRS module

To create an openmrs module project in the current directory, use the openmrs-sdk:create-project command. The newly created project has basic structure and configuration files generated from an archetype. It is ready to be built and installed on an OpenMRS instance right after creation.

There are two three types of projects: referenceapplication-module, content-package module and platform-module. After you choose the module type, the SDK will run a wizard, where you will have to provide information about a module to create.

Create a Content Package module

Code Block
mvn org.openmrs.maven.plugins:openmrs-sdk-maven-plugin:5.16.0-SNAPSHOT:create-project -Dtype=content-package -DmoduleId=hiv -DmoduleName=Hiv -DgroupId=org.openmrs.content -Dversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT -Dcontentpackage=1.0.0 -DmoduleDescription="this is a basic content package template project"

Creating OWA project

To create new OWA project run 


Creating Reference Application module

Creating a module has always the same workflow. The example shows how to create the Reference Application module.

In a directory where you want to have a directory with a project, run:
