Basic Configuration Options
Configuration key | Description |
webservices.rest.maxResultsDefault | This setting determines the maximum number of resources that can be accessed on any webservice call. The default is *50*. |
webservices.rest.maxResultsAbsolute | This setting determines the absolute maximum number of resources that can be accessed on any web service call. If the client requests more than this limit, then receives an error. The default is |
1000 |
. | |
webservices.rest.uriPrefix | This should point at the root of your exposed web application. This is typically http://localhost:8080/openmrs during testing, but after being deployed will be something like or http://yourdomainname.org/openmrs. If this is empty or not filled in, the user will see NEEDSTOBECONFIGURED/ws/rest/ as the "self" urls on all objects. |
webservices.rest.allowedips | By default this is an empty string: "", which means anyone can access the rest URLs. If you put any IP addresses into this list, only calls from those are allowed. IPs should be separated by a whitespace or a comma. IPs can be declared with bit masks to denote whole subdomains e.g. matches - and matches - Non matching IP addresses will receive a 403 HTTP error. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported. |
Technical Documentation
The module exposes the OpenMRS API through light-weight resource objects off of the core OpenMRS objects. The structure is very similar, but not guaranteed to match up exactly.
- 2.5
Jira Legacy server OpenMRS JIRA columns key,summary,type,assignee,reporter,priority maximumIssues 1000 jqlQuery project = RESTWS AND fixVersion = 2.5 ORDER BY updated DESC, priority DESC, created ASC serverId 45c5771b-fa4b-3e43-b34a-c19dc45ccc95
- 2.3
- New Features
- RESTWS-392 - APIAuthenticationException handler always adds WWW-Authenticate header when user is not logged in.
- Bug Fixes
- Changed setMembers to full representation
- New Features
- 2.2
- New Features
- [RESTWS-348] - Require that user have View REST WS Menu privilege to view the menu in the administration page
- [RESTWS-391] - Rest API to search drug by name
- Bug Fixes
- [RESTWS-373] - Incorrect Converter returned in ConversionUtil convertToRepresentation()
- [RESTWS-381] - Return object representation instead of id for person attribute
- [RESTWS-384] - restService.getSearchHandler fails with ClassCastException
- [RESTWS-389] - Cannot set location person attribute with uuid
- [RESTWS-390] - PersonAttributeTypeResource should render hydrated concept
- New Features
- 2.1
- Better XML support (backwads incompatibility, see RESTWS-206)
- Replaced .../concept/<conceptname> with .../concept?name=<conceptname> (backwards incompatibility, see RESTWS-370)
- Additional search handlers
- Improvements to the catalog
- 2.0 (see Migration from REST 1.x to 2.x)
- Integrated Webservices.rest 1.9 extension module
- Removed controllers (single point of entry)
- Added search handlers
- Added support for Concept mappings
- 1.1
- (23 bugs/features fixed/added)
- Fixed concept.answers
- Fixed patient.identifiers
- Made more resources editable
- Added ability to return retired resources generally
- Added Provider and Visit support to the 1.9ext module
- 1.0
- Main functionality realized with no new bugs
- 0.9 (Beta)
- Bugfixes
- 0.8 (Alpha)
- All use cases working as defined on the Web Service 1.0 User Stories page
- Download omod to install in your own OpenMRS installation