Featured add: 2.6
Bamhni Appointments Widget (Capability).
This This widget reports on Bahmni Appointments module. It is made not to show up by defailt because The bahmni Appointments Module does not come "out of the box" with the reference Application.On running the Bahmni Appointmnets module , to have this widget show up on the patientDashbord disabled by default because the Bahmni Appointments module is not part of the Reference Application.
To have this widget show up on patientDashboard
when running Bahmni Appointments module, the implementer will have to add the following Configurations configuration in a json file with name named as <name>_app.json under /omod/src/main/resources/app/ :
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
[{ { "id": "coreapps.Appointments", "instanceOf": "coreapps.template.dashboardWidget", "description": "coreapps.appointments.app.description", "order": 14, "config": { "widget": "appointments", "icon": "icon-calendar", "label": "APPOINTMENTS", "editPrivilege": "App: appointmentschedulingui.viewAppointments", "maxRecords": "5", "editIcon": "icon-share-alt", , "detailsUrl" : "appointments/appointments" }, "extensions": [ { { "id": "${project.parent.groupId}.${project.parent.artifactId}.Appointments.clinicianDashboardSecondColumn", "appId": "coreapps.Appointments", "extensionPointId": "patientDashboard.secondColumnFragments", "extensionParams": { "provider": "${project.parent.artifactId}", "fragment": "dashboardwidgets/dashboardWidget" } } ] } } ] } |
NB. The following params should be left constant as below ie
- "instanceOf" : "coreapps.template.dashboardWidget"
- config.widget : "appointments"
- extensions.extensionParams.provider: "${project.parent.artifactId}",
- extensions.extensionParams.fragment: "dashboardwidgets/dashboardWidget",
- obsgroup table
- Similar to the obsaccrossencounters but for obsgroups. Should allow for multiple obs within an obsgroup.
- Use case: A list of medications dispensed with encounter date, medication name, and frequency
- Graphs
- Graphs with log scale
- Use case: Viral load scale could vary from non-detectable to 10,000. It would be helpful to graph.
- Multiple variable graphs
- Use case: Graph 2 or more variables (concepts) on the same graph. Use for weight and height.
- BMI graph
- Use case: Based on weight and height, graph weight and calculated BMI on a single graph.
- Graphs with log scale