Featured add: 2.6
This widget reports on drug orders made for a patient. It is disabled by default. It is available with v1.28.0 of the coreapps module and can be configured as below.
Configuration Parameters
- obsgroup table
- Similar to the obsaccrossencounters but for obsgroups. Should allow for multiple obs within an obsgroup.
- Use case: A list of medications dispensed with encounter date, medication name, and frequency
- Graphs
- Graphs with log scale
- Use case: Viral load scale could vary from non-detectable to 10,000. It would be helpful to graph.
- Multiple variable graphs
- Use case: Graph 2 or more variables (concepts) on the same graph. Use for weight and height.
- BMI graph
- Use case: Based on weight and height, graph weight and calculated BMI on a single graph.
- Graphs with log scale