Versions Compared


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A "1.0" version of Metadata Mapping would include a MetadataServiceMetadataService within openmrs-core (could be introduced by a module initially or for the foreseeable future) and REST API endpoints to manage & search metadata mappings.


  • Manage mappings (add or remove mappings, should support bulk operations)
  • Search for mappings
    • By source
    • By code
    • By metadata object (given an OpenmrsMetadata instance, return any associated mappings)
  • Search for metadata (given a mapping UUID or source+code, return the OpenmrsMetadata instance)

API Call examples:

Fetch a location with the given source and code:

Location location = metadataService.getItem(Location.class, "SOME-SOURCE", "CODE"); //should be implemented as generic <T> getItem(T type, String source, String code);

Fetch all visit types from the given source:

List<VisitType> visitTypes = metadataService.getItems(VisitType.class, "SOME-SOURCE"); //should be implemented as generic <T> getItems(T type, String source);

Retire mapping:

List<MetadataTerm> terms = metadataService.getMetadataTerms(location);

metadataService.retireMapping(terms.get(0), "some reason");

Create term: 

MetadataSource source = metadataService.getSourceByName("SOME-SOURCE");

MetadataTerm term = new MetadataTerm(source, "CODE", location);


Create terms in bulk:

List<MetadataTerm> terms = Arrays.asList(mapping1, mapping2, mapping3);


Get mapping by source and code:

Mapping mapping = metadataService.getMapping(mappingSource, "CODE");

Get mappings by source:

List<Mapping> mappings = metadataService.getMappings(source);

Get mapping by uuid:

Mapping mapping = metadataService.getMappingByUuid(String uuid);

Get source by uuid:

MappingSource source = metadataService.getSourceByUuid(String uuid);
