There is a rich user interface for configuring metadata i.e add, create, retire/void, restore and delete metadata, as seen above , for configuring you can also configure where and how your form will appear. Let's discuss these settings individually.
Under the System Administration App, you will find system administration tools. This currently includes the Style Guide, especially useful to programmers, It also includes Advanced Administration which returns you from the new user interface to the legacy user interface. This is useful for configuring legacy settings and modules that don't yet have a user interface in the new UI; like Reporting and Facility Data Module for example. You also manage concepts, global properties and forms user accounts through this link.
OpenMRS Atlas
New functionality can be added by creating apps which requires coding skills. It also means that you can only add new forms by creating apps. The provided apps are configurable to the extent mentioned in the features chapter.
Adds the following features: a user being able to change their password and default settings, admin tools for system administration administrators and configuring of metadata