When you click on any of the links in blue above, you should be able to view page that lists the respective metadata, the action column on the right has these icons use click the pencil icon to edit, the 'x' icon to retire and the trash icon to delete items forever. When you retire an item, the 'x' icon gets replaced with 'restore' icon which when clicked should un retire the item. To add a new piece of metadata, click on the add button at the top of the listing page, e.g 'Add New Encounter Type' in case of encounter types.
,Manage Forms
Under the Configure Metadata screen, there is now a new app to "Manage Forms". This is a new feature in OpenMRS 2.1. It is now possible to add custom forms to the new user interface without any custom programming! When you initially enter Manage Forms, it shows you a list of forms that exist in the system. Obviously, before you can configure where a custom form will appear in the system, you must create the form. Both HTML and XForms are supported, but they must be created through the legacy user interface, under System Administration - Advanced Administration.
Under the System Administration App, you will find system administration tools. This currently includes the Style Guide, especially useful to programmers, It also includes Advanced Administration which returns you from the new user interface to the legacy user interface. This is useful for configuring legacy settings and modules that don't yet have a user interface in the new UI; like Reporting and Facility Data Module for example. You can also manage global properties and user accounts by selecting the appropriate app from the page shown in the screenshot below, you can navigate to this page by selecting Home -> System Administration.
Viewing And Managing Accounts
In the reference applications, user and provider accounts are linked to a person record and are managed from the same page. From the home page navigate to the account listing page by clicking System Administration -> Manage Accounts as seen in the screenshot above to view all the accounts.
- To add a new account, from the account listing page, click on the 'Add New Account' button, fill the form and save.
- To Edit an existing account, from the account listing page click the pencil icon for the account you wish to edit.
- To edit the person details, under person details section click on the pencil icon on the right, make changes and save or press cancel if you don't wish to save the changes.
- To add a new user account, under user details section click on the last tab with the '+' sign, make changes and save or press cancel if you don't wish to save the changes.
- To edit an existing user account, under user details section click on the associated pencil icon on the right hand side of the tab content pane for that user account, make changes and save or press cancel if you don't wish to save the changes.
- To add a new provider account, under provider details section click on the last tab with the '+' sign, make changes and save or press cancel if you don't wish to save the changes.
- To edit an existing provider account, under provider details section click on the associated pencil icon on the right hand side of the tab content pane for that provider account, make changes and save or press cancel if you don't wish to save the changes.
Note: Retiring and deleting user and provider accounts is not supported as of 2.3 but should be in future releases.
Viewing And Managing Global Properties
From the home page navigate to the account listing page by clicking System Administration -> Manage Global Properties as seen in the screenshot above to view all the global properties.
- Click on the 'Add New Global Property' button to add a new global property.
- The action column on the right has these icons , click the pencil icon to edit and the trash icon to delete a global property.
Note: Some global property values are truncated to fit in the allocated space, clicking the pencil icon should take you to the edit screen from where you can see the entire value. On the listing page, hovering over the name cell should display the description also.
OpenMRS Atlas
New to the OpenMRS 2.1 user interface is the OpenMRS Atlas configuration. When the implementation is first established, you must link ownership with an OpenMRS ID. Click “Sign in with your OpenMRS ID” and provide your OpenMRS ID and password. If your browser is already logged in to OpenMRS ID, it will use that account automatically when you click "Sign in".
Adds the following features: a user being able to change their password and default settings, admin tools for system administrators and configuring of metadata