This tutorial will introduce you to OpenMRS SDK (Server Development Kit). It assumes that you have basic understanding of OpenMRS modular architecture (you can learn about it reading Technical Overview).
If you want to enable remote debugging by default when running the server,
specify the port number here (e.g. 1044). Leave blank to disable debugging.
(Do not do this on a production server) (default: 'no debugging'):
Type default value '1044' and push enter. Specifying debug port is essential to setup remote debugging configuration. You will be asked what database you want to use:
To sum up, our file will look like this:
name= OWA development
version= 1.0
war.openmrs= 2.0
SDK automatically assumes that modules Maven Group ID is 'org.openmrs.module', but you can declare another Group ID
Best way to replicate database state is to create SQL dump with mysqldump. Mysqldump will require database name, user name and password. You can run it like this:
Code Block |
mysqldump -u {username} -p{password} {name of database} > dump.sql |
To create dump from dockerized MySQL database, you need to use mysqldump from within the container. We will walk through show it on example of creating dump from of MySQL database in SDK container. First, ensure that SDK container "openmrs-sdk-mysql-v3-2" is started:
Code Block |
docker start openmrs-sdk-mysql-v3-2 |
in next step, you have to enter container with commandrun mysqldump from within container:
Code Block |
docker exec -it openmrs-sdk-mysql-v3-2 mysqldump -u root -pAdmin123 {name of database, equal to name of server} > dump.sql |
Username 'root' and password 'Admin123' are standard credentials for MySQL instance in container created by SDK. After . Creating dumps from custom container looks analogously, you just have to replace container name and credentials.
After command execution, you should will have dump.sql file in your working directory.