Of course, you need to change the UUID's of the reportDefinition and TextTemplateRenderer to match the report that you want run.
The parameters that can be passed on the URL when running a report are:
- reportDefinition: uuid of the report definition to run
- renderingMode: <fully specified java class name of renderer>!<argument for rendering mode>
- patient: (this is optional, and will limit the report so that it only runs for this single patient if supplied. this can be either the patient uuid or patient id)
- download=true: (this is optional, if supplied it will download to file rather than display on screen)
In addition, any parameter of the report definition can be passed in as an additional request parameter, where the value is in the format that can be parsed by htmlwidgets. This generally means that metadata needs to be passed as a uuid, and dates should be in the format yyyy-MM-dd.
Notice that the parameters are separated with an ampersand (&) when passing parameters into a report. In the case of HTML Form Entry, the & code should be used instead.
See more info atĀ How to run a Reporting Module report through a URL.
The final report example using the SQL and HTML template above would look likeĀ ICU_Discharge_Sum.pdf that was printed to PDF from the web browser.