Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The OpenMRS community has established a set of conventions regarding code style, format and more which aims at keeping the OpenMRS code consistent and in good shape. Refer to the following pages for more details


Code Repositories and Conventions

We use the Git for version control and GitHub for to host our Code Repositories now. See Using Git and you can watch a video of


To read about how to use Git properly here


Commit Comments

Code Review

refer to: Using Git 

If you like watching a video try this one here


If you want to contribute code you should read: GitHub Conventions

Code Review

If you want to help out in reviewing code this should help: Code Review

Backporting Code

When bug fixes and/or features are applied to earlier versions of the system, this is called "backporting."  OpenMRS uses major.minor.maintenance versioning (e.g., 1.7.3).  Maintenance releases are specifically designed to allow for bug fixes to be backported.  Sometimes features (not just bug fixes) are applied to previous releases.
