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[Home|docs:Installing OpenMRS] [Previous Page|docs:Start Using OpenMRS] When uploading the war file, Tomcat hangs and stops responding. This typically occurs when you have not defined a MySQL user account that OpenMRS can use to access the database or you have not granted this user full access to the openmrs database. The default username is test with password test. The default username/password can be overridden in the OPENMRS_RUNTIME_PROPERTIES.PROPERTIES configuration file. To fix this: use Navicat or the MySQL administration tool (available from {html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_blank">MySQL</A> {html}) to verify that you have a user with username "test" and password "test" and this user has full access to the openmrs database. Cannot connect to Tomcat on port 8080. This port is sometimes used by other programs, such as Popfile and TivoServer. You can use the Windows "netstat \-ao" command to discover if another process is using port 8080. Also, a case was found where software for a HP Laserjet 2840 printer was trying to use port 8005, which conflicts with Tomcat startup. .war file deploys in Tomcat but it won't start OpenMRS Try this: * Go to MySQL command line (accessible from Start menu) * Type the following lines and press enter after each one: ** use OpenMRS; ** create user openmrs identified by 'openmrs'; ** GRANT ALL ON openmrs.\* TO 'openmrs'@'%'; * Go to C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Application Data\OpenMRS * There should be a file there called * In this file, ensure it says the following: ###{html}<pre>### Database connection properties connection.username=openmrs connection.password=openmrs\ </pre>{html} * Also copy the file into C:\Documents and Settings\YOURUSERNAME\Application Data\OpenMRS where YOURUSERNAME is the name you use to log in to windows - this is in case tomcat looks there instead of in LocalService |
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