Your entire form must be wrapped in an htmlform tag
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...stuff goes here...
A form is required to ask for the datetime, location, and provider, and it must have a submit button. For a complete reference on these tags see Tag Reference Page
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Date: <encounterDate default="today"/> <br/>
Location: <encounterLocation/> <br/>
Provider: <encounterProvider role="Provider"/> <br/>
...stuff goes here...
The <section> tag lets you break your form, and corresponding form schema, into sections. For a complete reference on this tag see Tag Reference Page
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<section headerLabel="section1">
<section headerLabel="section2">
The form wouldn't be much without being to enter observations. For a complete reference on this tag see Tag Reference Page
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<obs conceptId="5089" labelText="Weight" />
<obs conceptId="5090" labelText="Height" />
The lookup tag allows you to evaluate velocity expressions. For a complete reference on these tags see Tag Reference Page
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<lookup expression="patient.personName"/> to display the patient's name
<lookup expression="patient.gender"/> to display the patient's gender
<lookup expression="patient.age"/> to display the patient's age
<lookup expression="patient.getPatientIdentifier(5)"/> to display the patient's identifier of the type with id=5
<lookup complexExpression="#foreach( $addr in $patient.addresses ) $\!addr.cityVillage <br/> #end"/> to display the city/village of each of the patient's addresses
A very basic form to enter height and weight observations could look like:
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<section headerLabel="1. Encounter Details">
Date: <encounterDate default="today"/> <br/>
Location: <encounterLocation/> <br/>
Physician: <encounterProvider role="Provider"/> <br/>
<section headerLabel="2. Demographic Info">
<span>Nom du patient: <lookup expression="patient.personName"/></span>
<span>No. Dossier: <lookup complexExpression="#foreach( $patId in $patientIdentifiers.get("PIH ID") ) $\!patId #end"/></span><br/>
<span>Sexe: <lookup expression="patient.gender" codePrefix="gender_"/></span>
<span>(a) Date de naissance: <lookup expression="patient.birthdate"/></span>
<span>(b) Age: <lookup expression="patient.age"/></span>
<section headerLabel="3. Vital Signs">
<obs conceptId="5089" labelText="Weight" /> (kg)
<obs conceptId="5090" labelText="Height" /> (cm)