- Check out a local copy of the Basic Module from the repository:
## If given the option to set the project name, give it a module name using the same conventions.No Format http://svn.openmrs.org/openmrs-modules/basicmodule
- Disconnect the project from the database (you won't be checking your changes back in as the "BasicModule")
- Using Subclipse: right-click on the project name, select "Team->Disconnect..."
- "Confirm Disconnect from SVN" wizard appears
- select the "Also delete the SVN meta..." radio button
- click "Yes" button
- Replace all references to the Basic Module with your new modules name, using the same conventions. (For example, rename BasicModule to MyFirstModule).
- edit metadata/config.xml
- find the "<id>" tag, edit the value (example: change "<id>basicmodule</id>" to " <id>myfirst</id>")
- find the <name> tag, edit the value (example: change "<name>Basic Module</name>" to "<name>My First Module</name>")
- find the <author> tag, change the value from Ben Wolfe to your name ... Ben shouldn't get all the credit
- find the <description> tag, edit the value if you want, you can change the <version> value, following the versioning conventions
- find the <activator> tag, change the activator name
- edit metadata/moduleApplicationContext.xml
- This file is really only needed if you want either 1) your module to provide jsp files or 2) your module to have its own ___Service.java class
- edit metadata/sqldiff.xml
- This file is not needed if you are not adding/modifying any tables or columns in the openmrs datamodel
- edit metadata/config.xml
- find the <author> tag and edit the value.
- find the <date> tag and edit the value.
- rename the project (if you didn't set it during checkout)
- right-click on "BasicModule" in the "Package Explorer"
- select "Refactor->Rename..."
- enter the new name (example: change to "MyFirstModule")
- rename the packages
- expand src
- right-click on org.openmrs.module.basicmodule "Refactor->Rename..."
- the "Rename Package" wizard appears
- edit the name (example: change to "org.openmrs.module.myfirst")
- select all of the check boxes (Put a * in the "File name patterns" text field)
- click "Preview"
- (wait patiently)
- click "OK" on the final screen of the wizard
- Repeat the previous set of steps for web/src and test/
- Be certain to rename all files that have BasicModule (or basicmodule) in their name (for example basicmoduleForm.jsp under web/module). Also look in the contents of the files (e.g. AdminList.java and build.xml)
- Change the contents of metadata/messages_*.properties
- We recommend (and use) Eclipse IDE, but as long as you have Apache ANT installed, you can use a text editor if you prefer.
- Build your module (.omod file) using ANT (e.g., run <tt>ant package-module</tt> at command line in the root of the module)
- Try out your module
- Go to your openmrs installation Administration-->Manage Modules
- Choose Upload and browse to the "dist" folder in your checked out code. choose the latest.omod file
- Document your module
- Modules should have a home page that describes their purpose, features, instructions, known issues, etc.
- Feel free to create a wiki page for your module on this wiki. Your page should be called "FooBar Module" if you have created a module called FooBar.
- Create it as a child of the ?Active Projects page
- Publish the resulting .omod file
- Consider using the OpenMRS Module Repository
- Committing your code to the OpenMRS subversion repository
- See Code Repository#Requesting_Subversion_Repository_Access to get a new SVN project created for you.
- After a new SVN project has been created for you, the easiest way is to:
- #* check out the new project that was created for you
- then copy and paste your unattached code into that project
- Then just commit that entire project