- version: String referring to the unique extension point labeled the same in the code
- author: Full path Any string referring to the java class that will be called. Must implement org.openmrs.module.Extensionperson that created this. Usually use for openmrs id username.
- date: Only used for convenience. Should be the date the sql was added to the file
- description: Text describing what the sql diff is doing. Only used for convenience when reading through sqldiff file later
- sql: Contains the sql statements. Separate statements should be delimited by semi colons: ;
Code Block |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <\!-\- Top level configuration element. \--> <\!ELEMENT sqldiff ( {panel} (help?), (diff*) {panel} )> <\!ATTLIST sqldiff version CDATA #FIXED "1.0"> <\!ELEMENT diff (version, author, date, description, sql)> |