Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Check out a local copy of the Basic Module from the repository:
    No Format
    ## If given the option to set the project name, give it a module name using the same conventions.
  2. Disconnect the project from the database (you won't be checking your changes back in as the "BasicModule")
    1. Using Subclipse: right-click on the project name, select "Team->Disconnect..."
    2. "Confirm Disconnect from SVN" wizard appears
    3. select the "Also delete the SVN meta..." radio button
    4. click "Yes" button
  3. Replace all references to the Basic Module with your new modules name, using the same conventions. (For example, rename BasicModule to MyFirstModule).
    1. edit metadata/config.xml
      1. find the "<id>" tag, edit the value (example: change "<id>basicmodule</id>" to " <id>myfirst</id>")
      2. find the <name> tag, edit the value (example: change "<name>Basic Module</name>" to "<name>My First Module</name>")
      3. find the <author> tag, change the value from Ben Wolfe to your name ... Ben shouldn't get all the credit (wink)
      4. find the <description> tag, edit the value if you want, you can change the <version> value, following the versioning conventions
      5. find the <activator> tag, change the activator name
    2. edit metadata/moduleApplicationContext.xml
      • This file is really only needed if you want either 1) your module to provide jsp files or 2) your module to have its own class
    3. edit metadata/sqldiff.xml
      • This file is not needed if you are not adding/modifying any tables or columns in the openmrs datamodel
