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h3. General tips

Every migration is different as it depends to some degree on the  source data and the particular configuration of OpenMRS you are  migrating data into.  Here are some tips based on the way we did it in  Tanzania but there may be other ways.
* Prerequisites
** Before migrating data you should first thoroughly understand  both the data model of OpenMRS and that of the old system
** You should also have a good understanding of SQL "Insert Into"  queries (also called append queries)
** You should also be familiar with how to do configuration such  as forms configuration and other configuration in OpenMRS

* Configuring OpenMRS
** In OpenMRS configure one or more patient identifier types  corresponding to the patient identifiers in your old system
** In OpenMRS configure one or more locations where encounters  take place.  If your old system assumed all encounters took place in one  clinic, then set up that clinic as a location in OpenMRS
** In OpenMRS configure some patient attributes for the static,  unchanging data you collect about patients in your old system which is  not included in OpenMRS already in the person, names, addresses or  identifiers tables
** In OpenMRS configure a suitable address format (ask Ben for  help on this)
** In OpenMRS ensure you have concepts which correspond to  regularly-collected observation data collected in your old system.  For  coded concepts ensure the answers correspond to the possible answers in  your old system.  Of course they don't have to have the exact same names  as the fields in your old system but should correspond and be mappable.
** In OpenMRS configure encounter forms containing the same data  points as the forms in your old system
** If you have some sort of way in your old system for monitoring  status changes like lost to follow-up, transferred out etc you may like  to configure them in OpenMRS as workflow states

* Migration general
** You will need to somehow have the tables from your old system  and OpenMRS viewable/editable from the same place - there are many ways  of doing this.  You could create a new tool/interface/database somewhere  and set up links to both the OpenMRS back end and the back end of your  old system, or you could just import all the tables from your old system  into the OpenMRS database, migrate the data from the old tables into  the new tables and then delete the old tables but try not to get mixed  up as to which tables are from which system.
** You may want to create a user called "Import" or similar to  whom you attribute all the imported data in the "creator" fields in many  tables of OpenMRS.  You can create this user in the OpenMRS user  interface but you will have to look up their person_id / user_id in the  back end.
** Append data to the person table for all your patients.  You  may wish to create a temporary field in the person table of OpenMRS to  hold your old identifier for the patient which you will need as a  linking field during the other append processes before the identifier  goes into its proper place in the person_identifier table.  Then append  data to the patients table for all your patients.  Then append data to  the person_address, person_name and patient_identifier tables for all  your patients.
** If your old system has a staff or care provider list, you  should append these, first into the person table, into the person_name  table, then into the users table, then into the user_role table (give  all care providers a role of "provider").  Again, a temporary field in  the person table could be created and used for storing your staff ID  from your old system as a linking field while you do other queries.
** Append data for each of your patient attributes into the  person_attribute table.  If there are many you could do a mapping table  otherwise you could just do one query per attribute type.
** Append a list of encounters or visits into the encounter  table.  If you have different types of encounters or forms you should  link these encounters to the appropriate form_id.  You may wish to  append initial encounters first and then return encounters giving them  the appropriate encounter_type_id.
** If you have statuses in your old system as above, append all  your patients to patient_program and append the patients with their  appropriate states to patient_state.  You may want to do a mapping table  to assist you.

* Migration of observations
** Rather than having a separate query for each concept it is  easier to make a mapping table between the tables and fields in your old  system and the concept IDs in OpenMRS and you can use this mapping  table to generate an append query for each concept.  In your mapping  table on the OpenMRS side you could have the fields
*** concept_id
*** concept_name_name (for your ease of reference only)
*** concept_datatype_name
*** concept_answer_id (contains data only in the case of coded  concepts)
*** concept_name_1_name (the name of the answer concept - for your  ease of reference only)
** You should also have some fields on the old system's side of  the mapping table such as LocalTableName, LocalFieldName,  LocalFieldValue which you should fill in manually so that your OpenMRS  concepts map to your old system tables and fields.
** Here is some SQL to get the OpenMRS side of the mapping table.   It only chooses concepts which are fields in any of your configured  OpenMRS forms: SELECT concept.concept_id,,, concept_answer.answer_concept, FROM ((((field INNER JOIN concept ON  field.concept_id = concept.concept_id) INNER JOIN concept_name ON  concept.concept_id = concept_name.concept_id) LEFT JOIN concept_answer  ON concept.concept_id = concept_answer.concept_id) LEFT JOIN (concept AS  concept_1 LEFT JOIN concept_name AS concept_name_1 ON  concept_1.concept_id = concept_name_1.concept_id) ON  concept_answer.answer_concept = concept_1.concept_id) INNER JOIN  concept_datatype ON concept.datatype_id =  concept_datatype.concept_datatype_id;
* Points to note
** when appending data you should set all voided fields to "0"
** when appending data it would be recommended to set the  date_created to the date you are doing the append
** when appending data it would be recommended to set the creator  to the person_id or user_id of the "Import" user you created in OpenMRS
** boolean values in OpenMRS are actually stored in value_numeric  (1=true, 0=false) in the obs table, not in value_boolean

h3. Rwanda

Here's the code that PIH used to migrate data from our legacy Rwanda HIV-EMR to OpenMRS. Sorry for the sparse documentation. Hopefully I or someone else will be able to comment more later.

Get [|^]

To start off you want to look at the comments in org.pih.migration.MigrationTemplate class. If you're just migrating registry information, and encounters+obs, that should be all you need.

(Actually you will almost certainly need to change my code to deal with your particular patient_identifiers.)

We also migrated drug orders, program enrollments, and relationships. You'd have to browse through to see how. 

h3. Tanzania

In Tanzania we have a tool for migrating data into OpenMRS from the NACP CTC2 database. The tool is in MS Access which links to tables both in MySQL OpenMRS back end (via ODBC) and the MS Access CTC2 database data file. It has a mapping table which maps between OpenMRS concepts and tables and fields in the CTC database. It uses a series of append queries and visual basic procedures to append the data.

Get ExportToOpenMRS[^]

How to use this tool:

    * Use the Tanzanian version of OpenMRS with the Tanzanian concept dictionary and without any patient data.

   * Create a user in OpenMRS with username "Import" (using the OpenMRS web interface).
    * Create two temporary fields in the person table in OpenMRS called PatientID_Temp and StaffID_Temp (using Navicat or similiar tool or the MySQL command line), NOTE: PatientID_Temp should be a varchar data type and StaffID_Temp int data type.

   * Link the export tool to the tables in the CTC2 database data file (double click the form frmLinkDataFile, browse to the data file (usually called CTC2dataV4.mdb) and click "Link Data File")
  * Link the export tool to the MySQL OpenMRS back end via ODBC (Delete all the old table links (the green icons in the tables list), choose file, get external data, link tables, choose link tables, in files of type choose ODBC databases, machine datasource, new, system datasource, MySQL ODBC 3.51 driver (if this is not in the list you need to install the MyODBC connector available from MySQL), next, finish, put in the connection information for MySQL, select all, OK)
    * Run the numbered queries qry01 to qry20 one after another in order (this exports patients, identifiers, addresses, staff, patient attributes, workflow states). To run the queries simply double click them.
* Run the AppendObservations procedure (double click the module modImportToOpenMRS, ctrl+g to see the immediate window and in the immediate window type "Call AppendObservations()" and press enter.) Allow a few minutes for it to run.
 * Run queries qry21 to qry24 (these delete the adult observations for children or the child observations for adults for CD4 and WHO stage).
    * You may now delete the two temporary fields in the person table in OpenMRS called PatientID_Temp and StaffID_Temp if you wish

The MyODBC connector is available at {html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_blank">MySQL</A> {html}{html}