webservices.rest.maxresults_default - This Global Property determines the maximum number of resources that can be accessed on any webservice call. The default is 50.
webservices.rest.maxresults_absolute - This [Global Property|docs:Global Properties Descriptions] determines the absolute maximum number of resources that can be accessed on any webservice call. If the client requests more than this limit, then receives an error. The default is 1000.
webservices.rest.uriPrefix - This should point at the root of your exposed web application. This is typically _http://localhost:8080/openmrs_ during testing, but after being deployed will be something like _http:// or _http://yourdomainname.org/openmrs_. If this is empty or not filled in, the user will see NEEDSTOBECONFIGURED/ws/rest/ as the "self" urls on all objects.