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What this module does

Documentation / How-To





This guide focuses on the operation of The Notifiable Condition Detector (NCD, for short) module. The ultimate purpose of this module is to notify condition detection where NCD analyzes Encounters, looking for segments that contain conditions, as defined by its configuration. The goal is to allow the NCD module to deliver a user specified message via the messaging module when an incoming datum matches a user defined pattern or critic.

As an example, when a CD4 laboratory result is entered for a patient who suffers from HIV, is on anti-retroviral medicine, and has agreed to receive messages from OpenMRS, the system delivers a message informing the patient of the laboratory result and where they can get further information.

Configure Critics

Configure Messages

Configure Task


Known issues


This module was developer by ___ for ___ Sriskandarajah Suhothayan (Suho).