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Download the module from OpenMRS SVN Repository and Upload the OMOD file into OpenMRS Instance,
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After uploading the module, in Administrator page you will see a link PDQ Form under Patient Demographic Query.
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When you click submit, after inserting the HL7 QBP^Q22 Query in the  text area you will get the response as shown Image Added

If you want to search a patient, you can search with following parameters list:


a) With first name only:

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b) With last name only:

Query: Image Added

Response: Image Added

c) With first name, last name and gender:

Query: Image Added

Response: Image Added

d) With first name and last name only:

Query: Image Added

Response: Image Added

e) With gender only:

Query: Image Added

Response: Image Added

f) With first name and gender:      

Query: Image Added

Response: Image Added

g) With last name and gender:

Query: Image Added

Response: Image Added

h) With wildcard search on first name and last name:

Query: Image Added

Response: Image Added

I) with wild card search on first name and exact search on last name:

Query: Image Added

Response: Image Added

j) With wild card search on last name and exact search on first name:

Query: Image Added

Response: Image Added

k) With wildcard search on first name and last name and gender:

Query: Image Added

Response: Image Added

l) With wild card search on first name and exact search on last name and gender:    

Query: Image Added

Response: Image Added

m) With wild card search on last name and exact search on first name and gender:

Query: Image Added

Response: Image Added

n) With wildcard search on first name and gender:

Query: Image Added

Response: Image Added

o) With wildcard search on last name and gender:

Query: Image Added

Response: Image Added

Support for Continuation Protocol segment in HL7 messages:


Query (QBP^Q22). We can see in RCP segment the quantity. In the current database I am having 9 patients with last name “Patient” and first name “John”. To request next patient records you need to add DSC segment with continuation pointer which was displayed in the previous HL7 RSP^K22 response

Query: Image Added

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Query: Image Added

Response: Image Added

Query: Image Added

Response: Image Added

Query: Image Added

Response: Image Added

Query: Image Added

Response: Image Added

Taking OpenELIS as Patient Demographic consumer:


OpenELIS is an open source laboratory information system extended by University of Washington to work in resource constrained settingsOpenELIS is an open source laboratory information system extended by University of Washington to work in resource constrained settings 


Where in when u search for a patient name with john you can see imported values under column Data source which indicates that it is coming from OpenMRS database.
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After that, when you click the radio button, you will see the following screenshot, where in you can save patient
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