Versions Compared


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If you're a module developer, or your site relies on a module, please test it against the 1.9 Alpha release and post your feedback below. The alpha standalones can be downloaded from  . The login is admin , password Admin123 .

The initial list of modules includes all of the bundled modules, plus the most downloaded modules. You may add any other modules that you use.

In the last column, please give your opinion about whether the module is ok to release.  Yes means you found no problems.  Maybe - there are issues but your site can work around them. No - the module won't work after upgrade. The initial list of modules includes all of the bundled modules, plus the most downloaded modules. You may add any other modules that you use.

Table of Contents

Bundled Modules:

HTML Form Entry 1.7.3

Your name

What features did you test? How?


JIRA tickets

Ok to ship? Yes/Maybe/No


saved the default form with and without a second provider field 
made a few encounters of each kind

The form saved.
There's no support for multiple providers or encounter roles yet - as expected. Old forms will continue to work.












