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<%-- This should be yourthe target DWR service orthat controllerprocesses withthe yourhttp serverrequests sidefor logicresults --%> <openmrs:htmlInclude file="/dwr/interface/DWREncounterService.js"/> <%-- (OPTIONAL) Include this to apply css to improve the look and feel of the widget if the containing page doesn't include it --%> <openmrs:htmlInclude file="/scripts/jquery/dataTables/css/dataTables_jui.css"/> <%-- This is required if the containing page doesn't include it --%> <openmrs:htmlInclude file="/scripts/jquery/dataTables/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js"/> <%-- REQUIRED --%> <openmrs:htmlInclude file="/scripts/jquery-ui/js/openmrsSearch.js" /> <script type="text/javascript"> var lastSearch; $j(document).ready(function() { new OpenmrsSearch("findEncounter", true, doEncounterSearch, doSelectionHandler, [ {fieldName:"personName", header:"Patient Name"}, {fieldName:"encounterType", header:"Encounter Type"}, {fieldName:"formName", header:"Encounter Form"}, {fieldName:"providerName", header:"Encounter Provider"}, {fieldName:"location", header:"Encounter Location"}, {fieldName:"encounterDateString", header:"Encounter Date"} ], { searchLabel: '<spring:message code="Encounter.search" javaScriptEscape="true"/>', searchPlaceholder:'<spring:message code="Encounter.search.placeholder" javaScriptEscape="true"/>' }); }); //The action to take when the user selects an item from the hits in the widget function doSelectionHandler(index, data) { document.location = "encounter.form?encounterId=" + data.encounterId + "&phrase=" + lastSearch; } //Contains the logic that fetches the results from the server,, should return a map of the form <String, Object> function doEncounterSearch(text, resultHandler, getMatchCount, opts) { lastSearch = text; DWREncounterService.findCountAndEncounters(text, opts.includeVoided, opts.start, opts.length, getMatchCount, resultHandler); } </script> |