- argument: idAndProperty the field you want to set the value of (for example "weight.value")
- value: the value you want to set
Example for obs (since: 1.6.8):
Example for encounter details (since: 1.9.0):Code Block $j(function() { setValue('weight.value', 74); setValue('scheduledVisit.value', true); setValue('howTravelClinic.value', 456); // 456 is a concept id that's a legal answer to this question });
Code Block $j(function() { setValue('encounterDate.value', "2012-01-01"); // 2012-01-01 is a valid date setValue('encounterDate.error', "*Some Encounter dateError*"); setValue('encounterLocation.value', 15); // 15 is a location id setValue('encounterLocation.error', "*Some Location Error*"); setValue('encounterProvider.value', 146552); // 146552 is a provider id setValue('encounterProvider.error', "*Some Provider Error*"); });
Note that if setValue() method is used with an Autocomplete widget, the display value will not be updated, as the setValue method only updates the hidden value of Autocomplete widget. However once the form is saved and submitted, it will save the values correctly.
Defining javascript functions to call before form validation and submission