- Added table widget.
- Added ability to change the Time, DateTime and Date picker widget from the default to that used in the rest OpenMRS
- Added ability to search for text under the form fields panel and on the design surface
- Added toolbar icons for Bold, Italic, Underline, Font Family, Font Color and Font Size.
- Added ability to customize the form look and feel using custom CSS.
- Added ability to automatically type on a design surface without requiring to first drag and drop a label widget from the palette.
- Fixed bug where error icon was not being removed whenever text area widget data became valid.
- Fixed bug where forms with duplicate schema fields were not able to load in the form designer. e.g the demo data AMPATH Adult Return Visit Form.
- Added ability to format date and time for past observations.
- Fixed bug where an XSLT provided under form resources was not being used.
- Removed the showing no data node found message when previewing some forms.
- Fixed NPE when refreshing forms which have concepts that do not have names in some locales.
- Enforced saving of forms in error folder whenever there are processing problems.
- Fixed NPE when trying to create a new patient without any input parameters.
- Fixed NPE when submitting grouped questions that are not of type repeat.
- Fixed NPE when OPENMRS_VERSION_SHORT is null.