- Added the relationship widget. XFRM-16
- Improved error reporting Added ability to update demographic and person attribute data when submitting encounter forms . XFRM-104
- Added support for opening a form in read only mode. XFRM-121
- Added skip logic support for an exclusive option in answers of a multiple select question. XFRM-148
Added skip logic support for exclusive options between answers of two multiple select questions. XFRM-72
Fixed a NPE when saving some complex obs on a group type widget that has a binary data type.
- Added support for dragging a multiple select question option/answer from the form fields panel to design surface. XFRM-132Updated the default XSLT to support complex
- Added flag to turn off automatic adding of widgets to the design surface when the form is loaded for the first time. XFRM-100
- Improved error reporting when submitting forms
- Updated the default XSLT to support complex observation. XFRM-120
- Fixed a NPE when submitting some patient registration xforms. XFRM-161
- Fixed a NPE when saving some complex obs on a group type widget that has a binary data type.
- Localized more error messages that happen when submitting forms. XFRM-133
- Fixed bug where form entry errors were hidden by the xforms module. XFRM-160
- Fixed bug where some concepts under PROBLEM LIST were not shown as repeat questions on the form. XFRM-151
- Fixed bug where you could not have more than one concept search widget working properly on the form.
- Fixed NPE when one had more than one location search widget on the form.
- Fixed bug where one could not search for radio button and check box widgets text on the design surface.
- Fixed bug where searching for widget text on the design surface was not selecting the containing tab if it was not the currently selected one.
- Added more previous years to the date picker widget. XFRM-147