The REST Web Services module requires at least OpenMRS 1.9.0 or 1.8.1 to run.
Configuration Options
This Global Properties Descriptions] determines the maximum number of resources that can be accessed on any webservice call. The default is *50*.
This [Global Property|docs:Global Properties Descriptions] determines the absolute maximum number of resources that can be accessed on any webservice call. If the client requests more than this limit, then receives an error. The default is *1000*.
This should point at the root of your exposed web application. This is typically http://localhost:8080/openmrs during testing, but after being deployed will be something like or http://yourdomainname.org/openmrs. If this is empty or not filled in, the user will see NEEDSTOBECONFIGURED/ws/rest/ as the "self" urls on all objects.
By default this is an empty string: "", which means anyone can access the rest URLs. If you put any IP addresses into this list, only calls from those are allowed. IPs should be separated by a whitespace or a comma. IPs can be declared with bit masks to denote whole subdomains e.g. matches - and matches - Non matching IP addresses will receive a 403 HTTP error. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported.
Technical Documentation
The module exposes the OpenMRS API through light-weight resource objects off of the core OpenMRS objects. The structure is very similar, but not guaranteed to match up exactly.
- 2.2
- New Features
- [RESTWS-348] - Require that user have View REST WS Menu privilege to view the menu in the administration page
- [RESTWS-391] - Rest API to search drug by name
- Bug fixes
- [RESTWS-373] - Incorrect Converter returned in ConversionUtil convertToRepresentation()
- [RESTWS-381] - Return object representation instead of id for person attribute
- [RESTWS-384] - restService.getSearchHandler fails with ClassCastException
- [RESTWS-389] - Cannot set location person attribute with uuid
- [RESTWS-390] - PersonAttributeTypeResource should render hydrated concept
- New Features
- 2.1
- Better XML support (backwads incompatibility, see RESTWS-206)
- Replaced .../concept/<conceptname> with .../concept?name=<conceptname> (backwards incompatibility, see RESTWS-370)
- Additional search handlers
- Improvements to the catalog
- 2.0 (see Migration from REST 1.x to 2.x)
- Integrated Webservices.rest 1.9 extension module
- Removed controllers (single point of entry)
- Added search handlers
- Added support for Concept mappings
- 1.1
- (23 bugs/features fixed/added)
- Fixed concept.answers
- Fixed patient.identifiers
- Made more resources editable
- Added ability to return retired resources generally
- Added Provider and Visit support to the 1.9ext module
- 1.0
- Main functionality realized with no new bugs
- 0.9 (Beta)
- Bugfixes
- 0.8 (Alpha)
- All use cases working as defined on the Web Service 1.0 User Stories page
- Download omod to install in your own OpenMRS installation