The Manage Items page shows the list of currently defined items in an alphabetical list. The top search area can be used to find specific items by name or item code. Clicking on an item in the list will display the item details:
The item detail section allows users to change the item information. Items can have multiple codes and prices which can be added by clicking the associated Add button or removed by clicking the 'X' button next to the code or price to remove. If the item has physical inventory a list showing the current item stock is displayed. User can also retire and purge the item from the detail view; though it should be noted that items which have been referenced in a Cashier module bill or by item stock cannot be purged.
Clicking on the Add Item link displays an empty item detail section and allows for the creation of new items.
Manage Departments
Departments group items into cost centers and each item is required to have an associated department.
Clicking on a department displays the department details:
The administration pages in the OpenHMIS modules use a common UI and so this detail section should look familiar. Note that departments which are referenced by items cannot be purged.
Manage Institutions
Institutions are external entities that item stock can be distributed to.
Clicking on an Institution will display the institution details:
Manage Stockrooms