1. There could be features that you don't need that break the application.
2. There is no guarantee that a "done" feature will not have a major change before the software is released.
3. Developers assume that if it has not been released, it is fine to break compatibility from an earlier snapshot version.
4. Modules rarely make non-backwards-compatible data model changes. But you'll have no warning if it does happen, since module liquibase updates are applied automatically, unlike core ones.
For Mirebalais, PIH runs the latest snapshot of most reference application modules, (though running on OpenMRS 1.9.8). (You can see specific versions here.) We have a suite of scripted browser tests that are run by CI against our devtest environment after every commit. (You can get a sense of what we're testing from the test names here.) Sometimes we release to production based just on this (plus of course the fact that each individual story we worked on passed testing). For bigger new features, if it's been a while since our last release to production, or we're just worried, we will first deploy to a user test server, and do some extra manual testing. Ideally we'd do this for every release, but we just don't have the resources.