- Quick java swing client that displays patients and encounters: http://svn.openmrs.org/openmrs-contrib/examples/webservices/hackyswingexample/
- In the following link you can download a client (api) java that allows add - edit a person (any resource) and make a query to Webservice.Rest https://project-development-software-victor-aravena.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ClientOpenMRSRest/
Release Notes
- 2.7
Release Date: Wednesday November 26th 2014
New Features
- [RESTWS-453] - Expose login locations via REST
- [RESTWS-455] - Add ConceptSearchResource
- [RESTWS-457] - orderfrequency resource should have a representation that includes the full concept representation
- [RESTWS-461] - Should automatically convert to Double
- [RESTWS-463] - encounter resource should let you create real-time encounters without explicitly specifying encounterDatetime
- [RESTWS-465] - Get inactive orders
Bug Fixes
- [RESTWS-451] - Nested custom type will fail with conversion exception
- [RESTWS-454] - deathDate property should be editable on the person resource
- [RESTWS-458] - orderfrequency resource should have display property
- [RESTWS-464] - encounter resource has a typo that prevents creating an encounter with orders easily
- [RESTWS-467] - Going to catalog API using JSON causes stack overflow due to subtypes
- [RESTWS-469] - NPE generating catalog
- [RESTWS-470] - Catalog incorrectly shows sub-resources
- [RESTWS-471] - A resource implementing Listable without Searchable fails in MainResourceController
- 2.6
New Features
- [RESTWS-281] - REST does not expose relationships or relationship_types
- [RESTWS-444] - Add brandName and dispenseAsWritten to DrugOrderSubclassHandler1_10
- [RESTWS-426] - REST can return a Patient representation when we want a Person rep
- [RESTWS-441] - User and concept search handlers do not work for OpenMRS 1.10
- [RESTWS-442] - ProviderSearchHandler should handle OpenMRS 1.10