General need/use case: We focus on long tail use cases. In other words, we work to make everything dirt cheap and dead simple. Our system enables forms-based data collection on cheap java enabled phones when only SMS (not GPRS) is available. Also used for coordinating house visits - for example OMRS generates a list of patients who missed their appointments, and blasts an SMS to the health worker nearest to each patient, asking them to follow up with a house visit.
Where to find additional Information: SMS, USSD Services for Patients
General need/use case: Designed as a jumping-off point for others to add features. OpenMRS-iOS was created in about 23 hours by Parker Erway during Google Code-in 2014. Available on GitHub: https://github.com/Undo1/OpenMRS-iOS.
How it works: On the login screen, enter the URL of the server running OpenMRS, in the format http://host.org/openmrs
. Enter your username and password, then tap "sign in'. Upon success, the login page closes and a main menu is shown. It currently only contains "find patients", but more features can (should!) be added.
Costs: Open-source
Expertise Required: Currently the app is very simple, and can be operated by anyone with basic training.