- 2.9 Released January 15th 2015
Jira Legacy server OpenMRS JIRA columns key,summary,type,assignee,reporter,priority maximumIssues 1000 jqlQuery project = RESTWS AND fixVersion = 2.5 9 ORDER BY updated DESC, priority DESC, created ASC serverId 45c5771b-fa4b-3e43-b34a-c19dc45ccc95
- 2.8
- 2.7
Release Date: Wednesday November 26th 2014
2.7 represents version: 20afb1bcdbc46a75859e2c736a8651fa38614720
A huge thank you goes out to the following contributors: Daniel Kayiwa, Darius Jazayeri, Jon Skeet, Paweł Muchowski, Rafal Korytkowski, Willa Ahmed, Wyclif Luyima
New Features
- [RESTWS-453] - Expose login locations via REST
- [RESTWS-455] - Add ConceptSearchResource
- [RESTWS-457] - orderfrequency resource should have a representation that includes the full concept representation
- [RESTWS-461] - Should automatically convert to Double
- [RESTWS-463] - encounter resource should let you create real-time encounters without explicitly specifying encounterDatetime
- [RESTWS-465] - Get inactive orders
Bug Fixes
- [RESTWS-451] - Nested custom type will fail with conversion exception
- [RESTWS-454] - deathDate property should be editable on the person resource
- [RESTWS-458] - orderfrequency resource should have display property
- [RESTWS-464] - encounter resource has a typo that prevents creating an encounter with orders easily
- [RESTWS-467] - Going to catalog API using JSON causes stack overflow due to subtypes
- [RESTWS-469] - NPE generating catalog
- [RESTWS-470] - Catalog incorrectly shows sub-resources
- [RESTWS-471] - A resource implementing Listable without Searchable fails in MainResourceController
- 2.6