Versions Compared


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Sample HTML Form for Register
Code Block

      <excludeIf velocityTest="$">
                 <td>Name :</td>
                       <patient field="name"/>
                 <td>Gender : </td>
                       <patient field="gender"/>
                 <td>Age :</td>
                       <patient field="age"/>
                 <td> Identifier :</td>
                       <patient field="identifier" identifierTypeId="2" />
                 <td> Identifier Location :</td>
                       <patient field="identifierLocation"/>
      <includeIf velocityTest="$">
                       <lookup expression="patient.personName"/>
                       <lookup expression="patient.patientIdentifier.identifier"/>
             <td>Identifier Type:</td>
                   <lookup expression="patient.patientIdentifier.identifierType"/>
             <td>Identifier Location:</td>
                   <lookup expression="patient.patientIdentifier.location"/>
                   <lookup expression="patient.gender"/>
                   <lookup complexExpression="#if( \$patient.birthdateEstimated ) ~#end"/>
                   <lookup expression="patient.birthdate"/>
                   (Age: <lookup expression="patient.age"/>)
               <td>Encounter Location :</td>
               <td>Encounter Provider :</td>
                     <encounterProvider role="Provider"/>
               <td>Encounter Date : </td>
                     <encounterDate showTime="true" default="now"/>
               <obsgroup groupingConceptId="1234">
                     <td>LEFT LOWER EXTREMITY Group :</td>
                           <obs conceptId="5089" labelText="Weight"/>
                           <obs conceptId="5090" labelText="Height"/>
               <td>Red blood cell count</td>
                     <obs conceptId="679" labelText="RBS"/>


  • View Registers  -- allows you to see the Registers Gutter tab at the top of the page.
  • Manage Registers -- wrapped around the API methods for retrieving/editing Register objects; Also required to see the Admin/Manage Registers link and to open all Register Management forms in the Admin section
  • View Register Entries -- wrapped around all the RegisterService methods for retrieving Encounters to display in a register;
  • Manage Register Entries -- wrapped around API call to delete an Encounter, Required to activate 'add/edit/delete' functionality in rendering of register
  • View Register Module Patient Dashboard Tabs -- needed to have tab render on patient dashboard for form specified in global property registersettings (formerly Global Properties from 1.8 downwards) register.showDashboardTabForHtmlForm


Starting in release version 1.2:  To have a register appear on the OpenMRS patient dashboard in its own tab containing the register entries for that patient, you just have to specify the formId or uuid of the register form (see Administration/Manage Forms to get the formID) in the global property registersettings (formerly Global Properties from 1.8 downwards) register.showDashboardTabForHtmlForm.  And, your users need to have the View Register Module Patient Dashboard Tabs privilege.
