Versions Compared


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This section elaborates more on the project’s goals relating to how they align with OpenMRS’ goals. Consult the Collaboration Opportunities Dashboard to describe the greater implications and importance to the project. There are additional subsections that can be filled out when relevant to the project. Overall, the idea is to show how advancements with the project can help OpenMRS move forward with expansion of healthcare systems.

Community Strategy

OpenMRS Product Advance

Health Information Systems

Frontline Healthcare Workers


This is an optional section that can include important context or prerequisites needed to either understand the scope of the project, or any necessary tools/skills needed to help with tasks.


Somewhat similar to Background but can be oriented towards auxiliary content or miscellaneous tutorials.

Meet the



Finally, team member information. This will include the project’s leaders, or any other noteworthy team members. This info members, sorted by their role and given contact information. It is important to maintain a distinction between teams and squads. All contact tables should be conveyed with using the same template (I’m partial to the table on the FHIR page).format. Currently being used is this table below:

Project Owner

@John Smith


@Hugh Saturation @Richard Tea @Sir Cumference


@Elon Gated @Malcolm Function

OpenMRS FHIR Module


The OpenMRS FHIR Squad works on OpenMRS solutions, including the FHIR Module, that support the ability to exchange healthcare data in a widely-used, standards-based format, easing integration with external systems and products. The OpenMRS FHIR module specifically supports ability to export and import data in the form of FHIR Resources.


Not applicable for this example.

Meet the



Project Owners

Product Management Support


Other interested parties / experts

Community Support
