We're building a new frontend for OpenMRS via a collaborative process that leverages modern frontend technologies. These technologies will enable OpenMRS users and developers around the world to share more frontend functionality, reduce duplicated effort, and have a better user experience.
Weekly Meeting Information
When: Thursdays at 4pm UTC / 9:30pm IST/ 7pm EAT / 5pm CET / 11am ET / 8am PT
Where: Zoom link for computer or mobile
What Happens On These Calls:
- Dev Demo: latest work done (if it’s the end of a sprint, we also do the full sprint demo)
- Dev Discussion: Any blockers or things to clarify
- Product Priorities: We clarify any epics or issues that need more ownership or to be prioritized
- Design Updates: We wrap up by looking together at the latest design work, so we know what designs are soon to be ready for development
Notes: Notes for meetings
Talk: Hyperlink
Slack channel: #channel#microfrontends
GitHub: Link to Git page
Website Board/Additional Forum: Additional site link
How to Contribute
- Introduce Yourself: Come say hello on our Slack channel (listed above).
- Check the Developer's Guide: Use our Developer's Guide to get started. Look for answers there.
If you are still unsure about a question, double check the short videos in the Dev Tutorials, and make sure you're familiar with the MF Tooling tutorial and the MF Extensions Tutorial. If you are still stuck after double-checking the Dev Guide for answers, ask our squad in the #microfrontends.Auibutton icon info title Dev Guide type primary url https://openmrs.github.io/openmrs-esm-core/#/ target true - Find Intro Tickets: Intro tickets you can use to start contributing are available here:
This dashboard shows the latest Intro and Non-Intro tickets that need to be taken on to support the MicroFrontend work. This also shows the different features (via Epics) that are currently underway.Auibutton custom-icon checkbox icon custom title Open Issues to Get Started type primary url https://issues.openmrs.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=15950 - Note: To view the designs in detail, you'll need an invite to our Zeplin account. Ask Grace Potma& Eric Achillah for help - @grace & @Eric on Slack. Make sure you also review our short How to Use Zeplin video.
- Please assign tickets to yourself before starting work. This helps avoid confusion and accidental duplication of work. Double-check the ticket's Epic for other related work before working on things outside the described scope of the ticket - you may accidentally be replicating a feature someone else is already working on.
- Please only take 1-2 tickets at a time. This helps you to focus on getting 1-2 things done at a time. If you assign yourself to multiple tickets, this prevents others from working on them, so please be considerate of others and only pick up 1-2 tasks at a time. When those are done, you can assign yourself another 1-2 other tasks. If you have submitted your PR for 2 tickets and are still waiting for feedback, it is okay to pick up another ticket, so long as you promptly respond to the feedback on your original tickets so that work can be merged promptly.
- Meet Us! Come to a weekly squad call to learn more about what we do and get hands-on experience.
- Sprints: Become part of our regular sprints. This will happen naturally as you join our calls, though you don't need to join all calls in order to participate. Here is our active board. We use epics to break down features and widgets, and we typically work in 3-week sprints.
Auibutton custom-icon board icon custom title Active Sprint Board type standard url https://om.rs/mfboard target true Auibutton custom-icon backlog icon custom title Squad Backlog & Sprints type standard url https://issues.openmrs.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=231&view=planning.nodetail&epics=visible&issueLimit=100 target true