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Meeting Notes

**Meeting 1: Project Kick-off and Agenda Discussion**

- Date: May 5, 2023

- Participants: thembo42, heshan, jayasanka, grace, jesplana, pauladams, cduffy, mksd, ibacher, ball, johnblack, mogoodrich, burke, kdaud


- Discussion of project resources and references.

**Meeting 2: First Mentor Meeting**

- Date: May 12, 2023

- Participants: thembo42, heshan, jesplana, burke


- Pro Tips and Guidance for successful project implementation.


Certainly, here's the addition of the provided conversation to the relevant meeting minutes in your document:


**Discussion Highlights:**

- thembo42 presented mock-ups for the Draw On Body Diagram project.

- @jesplana from ICRC provided valuable feedback on the design mock-ups and use cases.

**Feedback from @jesplana:**

- Clarified the situations in which drawing on the body in an EMR is needed, such as during admission or assessment processes.


This addition captures the feedback and insights provided by @jesplana during the meeting, 

**Meeting 3: Technical Insights and Scoping**

- Date: May 12, 2023

- Participants: thembo42, heshan, burke, grace, jesplana

**Discussion Highlights:**

- Avoiding a body-specific solution in favor of a flexible image notation approach.


- Scoping and prioritization for GSoC timeline constraints.

**Meeting 4: Refactoring vs. Fresh Module Discussion**

- Date: May 12, 2023

- Participants: thembo42, heshan, jayasanka

**Discussion Highlights:**

- Deliberation on whether to continue with refactoring the legacy drawing module or creating a fresh module for the project.

- Seeking guidance on the best approach for the project's architectural direction.

**Meeting 5: Backend Focus and Progress Update**

- Date: May 16, 2023

- Participants: thembo42, heshan

**Discussion Highlights:**

- Overview of backend implementation progress.


- Intention to integrate APIs from the Attachments module for image upload functionality.

**Meeting 6: Update on Image Attachment**

- Date: August 14, 2023

- Participants: thembo42, heshan

**Discussion Highlights:**

- Notifying progress on attaching annotated images to patient attachments.
