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  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)
  • Year End Review: 2016 → 2017
  • Review next meeting agenda


  • Daniel
  • Tim
  • Burke
  • Year End Review: 2016 → 2017



Call cancelled early due to low attendance



Notes from OMRS15 Road Map session (things people would like to see in 2017):
  • Care Plans (Programs and follow-ups for visits)
  • Condition Lists
  • Completing this work
  • Re-convergence of UI – did someone say Angular+REST?
  • Need to find 2+ orgs to harmonize on UI approach
  • Process changes to improve the transparency of work going on
  • Make our project management more of a "scrum of scrums"
  • Make it easier to highlight what work is going on
  • Improve module repository ± Atlas info or find other ways to highlight what things are being used the most
  • Centralized data warehousing
  • A clearer approach to incorporating our changes into the shared code
  • DHIS2 Integration **
  • Beautiful forms out of the box
  • Data import
  • Data exchange across OpenMRS installations
  • Using FHIR to integrate.
  • Hub and spoke model
  • Sync of metadata and data
  • OCL Integration (Open Concept Lab) **
  • Enhanced IPD support
  • Service & Privacy Support
  • Features (e.g., auditing)
  • Publication (best practices)
  • Appointment Scheduling
  • Enhancements
  • Form builder
  • Ad-hoc Analysis Tool (the new cohort builder)
  • Data Encryption
  • Could we have an EMR without patient identification? (Patient identification external)
  • Pharmacy Module
  • Retrospective Data Entry
  • Ability to download full profile of patient (e.g., to assist transfer)
  • Order Entry
  • Health Insurance support
  • Formulary, which services (drugs, tests etc.) are covered, ...
  • Mobile data entry support
  • System Monitoring Module that would track amount of data going to/from each site
  • WYSIWYG Form Building
  • SMS Module to notify caretakers, providers, and patients
  • Patient Summary
**Currently planned to be included in the platform



  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)
