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  • Matt
  • Maimoona
  • Burke
  • Wyclif
  • Daniel
OpenSRP Update
  • Connecting front-line health workers to national health systems.
  • Focused on client-facing applications
  • Bridging the gap between clinical (OpenMRS) and outreach
  • Demo of child immunization application
  • Trying to optimize every interaction
  • Removing forms where possible
  • Have created chat interfaces (e.g., Telegram, SMS, Facebook Messenger)
  • Using a CouchDB database
  • Storing data in a FHIR-like model
  • Do a 2-way sync between OpenSRP and OpenMRS (use Atomfeed module)
  • Using OWA for UI (can call OpenSRP REST endpoints)
  • Server
  • CouchDB
  • Motech + quartz for scheduling
  • CouchDB-Lucene for faster searches
  • OpenMRS and DHIS2 for reporting
  • Mobile client
  • Have integrated with both OpenMRS and Bahmni
  • Created a team management module
  • Allows for hierarchy of teams
  • Keeps track of changes in teams over time
  • Has been really helpful for allowing easier permission management by granting access based on team assignment
  • Created a DHIS location module
  • Enhanced cohort module
  • Created schedule tracking module
  • Described road map
  • Hope to get to a point someone can create a register without having to program in Android
Are there plans to include "dateChanged" as a filter (search parameter) into REST calls?
  • Burke: this is certainly feasible. Not sure if it's on anyone's radar to do.
  • Would need to add at the API level. Wouldn't necessarily need to be all or none (could target a few high priority API methods as an exemplar of how we'd do it for other API methods in the future)
Does OpenMRS have an unattended install (e.g., using Docker)?
  • Burke: I thought we had this
  • Wyclif: I don't think we have this.
  • Daniel: I think we alrady have this.
  • TODO: Need to find (or create) documentation for how to do unattended install
  • Daniel will look into this
Is there an audit module?
  • Wyclif: We created one years ago, but it never reached production level.
  • Burke: I think this was created as a path toward centralizing the audit (changed/updated) attributes.
  • Why not use relationships for recording patient-provider relationships?
  • OpenMRS REST service wasn't efficient enough for pulling across teams.
  • Did you consider appointment module for scheduling needs?
  • Needed treatment schedules (e.g., vaccination)
  • Are you using or considering Docker (with Ansible)?
  • Yes. Have a Docker installation. Learning from Bahmni.
  • Does the household register using cohorts?
  • Not yet.



  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)
