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Wiki Markup
h2. How to Join
{toggle-cloak:id=how-to-join}Click here for information about joining the meeting in person or remotely.
{include:How to Join the Weekly Developer Meeting}

h2. Agenda

|| Topic Name || Topic Leader(s) || Time || Category || Comments ||
| [Review previous meeting minutes / action items|] | [~bmamlin] | 5 min | Admin | |
| XForms/Mobile and OpenMRS | [~darius] | 60 min | Presentation/Demo | Purpose: Overview of current technology stack and discuss strategies to move forward |
| Documentation Update | [~paul] | 15 min | Documentation | |
| OCC Sprint Wrap Up | [~darius] | 10 min | Sprints ||
| [After-Action Review and Preview of Next Week's Agenda|] | [~bmamlin] | 5 min | Admin | |

h2. In Attendance

h2. Minutes

[real-time collaborative notes|]

h2. TODOs


h2. Transcripts