In Attendance
- Unlicensed user
- Unlicensed user
- Unlicensed user
- Unlicensed userMichael Downey
- Wyclif Luyima
- Jeremy Keiper
- Former user (Deleted)
- Shaun Grannis
- Unlicensed user
- Unlicensed user
- Unlicensed user
- Unlicensed user
- Unlicensed user
- Unlicensed user
- Unlicensed user
- Unlicensed user
- Unlicensed user
- Unlicensed user
- Unlicensed userRoger Friedman
- Saptarshi Purkayastha
- Mark Goodrich
- Darius Jazayeri
- Dawn Seymour
- Paul Biondich
- Ben Wolfe
- Ada Yeung
- Former user (Deleted)
- Daniel Kayiwa
- Richard Muraguri Gathogo
- Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)
- 1.8 Update - Wyclif
- Multiple providers per encounter (Design Page) (TRUNK-39) and Support for Visits (Design Page) (TRUNK-48) - led by Burke (45 mins)
- "Introduce" Daniel Kayiwa (5 min)
- After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)
Daniel Kayiwa (5 min)
- Ben introduced Unlicensed user Daniel Kayiwa, who is joining the core development team full time.
Support for visits (15 min)
- Wiki page: Support for Visits (Design Page)
- JIRA ticket: docs:TRUNK-48@ticket
Tasklist | ||||||||
| ||||||||
||Completed||Priority||Locked||CreatedDate||CompletedDate||Assignee||Name|| |T|M|F|1294938703052|1296141346462|michael|Wyclif to explicate the goals & tasks to test bundled modules in the Testing Releases page. He will work with module developers to make sure test cases are complete.| |T|M|F|1294938671661|1295536143537|michael|Michael to create a module mailing (notification) list and use those listed in the module repository as initial subscribers.| |