- Copyright notices supplied by the licensor(s) of any part of the software. OpenMRS project teams may elect to remove individual copyright notices that detract from the "community" ethos of the project, but individual copyrights will still be protected by a legally-effective and encompassing copyright notice such as "Copyright (C) 2014 OpenMRS LLC."
- Patent notices identifying specific patents or patent claims that may read on the software. Contributors and all project team members are expected to disclose any patent claims of which he/she is they are aware. In the event that possible patent claims may be confidential, the contributor must disclose enough about the patent applications them to alert the public about possible future encumbrances.
- Identification of industry standards implemented by the software.
- OpenMRS projects and contributors may also include acknowledgement and attribution to individuals, companies or other organizations for significant portions of the software or its documentation, or who contributed in other ways to the project as a whole.
- Other important notices that the OpenMRS project team or its contributors want to share with the downstream users of that software.