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OpenMRS accepts intellectual property contributions of many kinds and then collects them into OpenMRS software distributions that are licensed to the public under the open source Mozilla Public License 2.0 with Health Care Disclaimer (MPL 2.0 ) with our Additional Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of LiabilityHD).  Non-code contributions such as documentation, images, or other creative works are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The details around intellectual property contributions in particular are often tricky to understand.  As described more fully below, OpenMRS project teams review all software contributions to ensure that open source licenses for the contributions are compatible with the MPL 2.0 HD license. 

If you have questions about any aspect of the OpenMRS Contribution Policy, please contact 


Software includes both functional and expressive works, and it sometimes arrives encumbered with many varieties of legal interests that can be owned, licensed, monopolized or sold, or limited for its use in derivative or advanced software,The OpenMRS project collects such contributed software into larger packages that we distribute as collective works under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 ( MPL 2.0 ) with our Additional Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of LiabilityHD license. To do so, we must ensure that the open source licenses applying to those contributions are compatible with MPL 2.0 HD and that there are no intellectual property encumbrances that would prevent the use of our collective software for health care delivery worldwide.


OpenMRS relies on the recommendations of Open Source Initiative, the Free Software Foundation, and Creative Commons to determine which free and open source licenses are compatible with the Mozilla Public License 2.0 with Health Care Disclaimer (MPL 2.0 ) with our Additional Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of LiabilityHD) under which OpenMRS distributes software and documentation. 


Rest assured that OpenMRS software and documentation can be used for free by everyone in the world under the open source MPL 2.0 HD license.