Versions Compared


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  • We would be utilizing REST services in our module so that users who are not accessing OpenMRS can view the available data of the module by sending an HTTP GET or POST request 

  • GET Request can be sent to view the data related to cohorts , cohort members, cohort encounters and cohort observations

  • POST Request can be sent to add data into the database by sending parameters as a JSON object. 

  • To know more about REST MODULE click here : REST Module

  • Modules required 

    1. Cohort Module

    2. REST web services


titleExample GET Requests

list the related cohort

GET: http://localhost:8080/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/cohortm/cohort/2baddb64-f4f9-47c4-80c6-404c4b016d12 

list the related cohort member

GET: http://localhost:8080/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/cohortm/cohortmember/2003394e-daa2-4df8-acba-4894460b0624

list the related cohort encounter

GET: http://localhost:8080/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/cohortm/cohortenc/47d7bb8c-c4f2-4d16-978a-a4c7cf0d9556

list the related cohort observation

GET : http://localhost:8080/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/cohortm/cohortobs/34839160-5c8a-4c37-bdf6-e17042d46614


  • Integrate it with Reporting Module

    • fetch / add members dynamically from reporting query instead of adding one by one.
    • Create reports for cohorts
  • Integrate Cohort Management with core OpenMRS
