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Design of the Module:


ER Diagram:

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  • The module deals with creating cohorts and associating it with cohort attributes which are dependent on cohort attribute types

  • Every cohort member who is a patient is associated to the cohort and also it can have cohort member attributes which are dependent on cohort member attribute types.

  • Search operations can be performed based on name under the mange cohorts page

  • Each of the cohort can have many encounters ,visits and observations which are created utilizing the forms from the HTML Form Entry Module

  • The search operation would be based on the cohort unlike in OpenMRS which is based on only patient identifier/names.

  • It is also created utilizing the Rest interface from the Rest Module wherein the resources are identified in requests using URIs as resource identifiers to view cohorts, cohort encounters and cohort observations.



  • Integrate it with Reporting Module

    • fetch / add members dynamically from reporting query instead of adding one by one.
    • Create reports for cohorts
  • Integrate Cohort Management with core OpenMRS
