- OpenMRS Platform successfully runs on PostgreSQL
- Create a CI build which breaks when liquibase changesets fail to run on PostgreSQL
- Make changes as necessary, to the references application modules to ensure that they run on top of PostgreSQL.
Jira Legacy server OpenMRS Issues columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution serverId 45c5771b-fa4b-3e43-b34a-c19dc45ccc95 key TRUNK-4881 - Documentation Done as a Part of Project - https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/docs/OpenMRS+Setup+On+PostgreSQL
- Talk Thread - https://talk.openmrs.org/t/gsoc-2020-openmrs-should-support-postgresql/28755
Project Status
- OpenMRS Platform successfully runs on PostgreSQL - DONE - Task is complete and changes have been tested. Starting from platform 2.4.x we will offer PostgreSQL support.
- Create a CI build which breaks when liquibase changesets fail to run on PostgreSQL - DONE - A Bamboo CI job has been added at https://ci.openmrs.org/browse/TRUNK-MASTER which runs the liquibase changesets against PostgreSQL db.
- Make changes as necessary, to the references application modules to ensure that they run on top of PostgreSQL - DONE - Reference application now supports PostgreSQL. Changes were made in different modules wherever required and testing of application for different features as mentioned here Reference Application 2.10.0 is done.
All the required objectives of the project are complete and tested.