Versions Compared


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  • Good Java skills.
  • Good understanding of REST
  • Familiarity Some familiarity with Docker
  • Familiarity with J2EE web programming (e.g., JSPs)
  • Familiarity with OAuth2.
  • Soft skills to interact with the HAPI and FHIR community and OpenMRS community in order to gather requirements and technical feedback.
  • Familiarity with Javascript and HTML/CSS
  • A willingness to learn (honestly, there are a lot of technologies involved in this; you don't need to be an expert on all of them, just willing to learn).


  • Bring Build a sample SMART-on-FHIR to production.
  • To be added.......

Extra Credit

  • To be added.......application that can communicate with OpenMRS and supports both EHR Launch and Standalone Launch
  • For EHR launch, we should be able to launch the application from:
    • The Patient view in the RefApp
    • The Visit or Encounter view in the RefApp
  • For Standalone launch, we should be able to select:
    • The patient scope
    • The encounter / visit scope
  • Logging out of OpenMRS should end the Keycloak session

Extra Credit

  • Update the Keycloak login page to look more like OpenMRS
  • Integrate EHR launch with the Microfrontends Patient Chart project
