Versions Compared


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Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed locally.


  1. Clone the Repository locally 

    Code Block
    git clone

  2.  Move to the project root directory and Spin Up spin up the pre-configured OpenMRS ,OpenHIM and Hapi-Fhir instances .

    Code Block
    docker-compose up

  3. You should be able to acces the OpenMRS ,OpenHIM and Hapi-Fhir instances  at the following urls

    InstanceURLcredentials (user : password)
    OpenMRShttp://localhost:8080/openmrs    admin : Admin123
    OpenHIM http://localhost:9000 : openhim-password
    Hapi FHirhttp://localhost:8090

     hapi : hapi123

    After Logging into OpenHIM  (see more ), Import the Config-file inside the Config folder ie    config/openhim-config.json 
    Note that the OpenMRS Instance above is pre-loaded with CIEL and comes with a sample form (TX_PVLS form) to collect TX_PVLS specific data

  4. Load the necesary FHIR Measure Resource For Calculation of TX_PVLS and FHIR CQL Libraries for the Calculation of TX_PVLS into the Hapi FHir .
    you can load the resources directly from the resources folder directly using the load-resources script. run the command below from the project root directory

    Code Block
    chmod +x * ; ./

  5. Spin up the streaming-debezium pipeline  . 

    Code Block
    docker-compose -f pipeline-compose.yml up

    Note that you run the above command from the root directory of the cloned repository.
    You can use the TX_PVLS form pre-loaded in the OpenMRS instance to capture TX_PVLS specific data

  6. The running Pipeline will listen to any  any data changes  added in to OpenMRS and route them to the FHIR server through OpenHIM.

  7. Invoke the collect-data FHIR Operation using the Get request below to generate the relevant Dataset for TX_PVLS

    Code Block
    GET: http://localhost:8090/fhir/Measure/TX-PVLS/$collect-data?periodStart=<date>&periodEnd=<date>

  8. Invoke the evaluate-measure  FHIR Operation using the Get request below for the  indicator calculation based on CQL evaluation

    Code Block
    GET: http://localhost:8090/fhir/Measure/TX-PVLS/$evaluate-measure?periodStart=<date>&periodEnd=<date>

    Note : substitute <date> in the GET request with your actual date parameter .