Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Made the list consistent with the current state of the project.


  • editDraftFormForm.jsp (labeled Edit Draft Form)
    • If called when creating a new form, displays title, description and version id. All other fields blank
    • If called when editing a form, shows title, description, version id and list of pages
    • Edit details button goes to the Edit Form Details page
    • Exit form button goes to the Drafts Overview page
    • Clicking on Add Page adds a new page
    • Clicking on "Page #" displays the contents of the page
    • Add Section button goes to the Edit Section page
    • Delete Page deletes the currently-displayed page, requires confirmation
    • If a page contains sections, a +/- button can be used to expand and hide their contents
    • When expanded, the Add menu pulls up the appropriate Web page to add an item of each type
    • The Edit button for a section goes to the Edit Section page, filling in the current values
    • The details of a form, as well as the instructions for the page, can be hidden/shown by the user to save space and scrolling
    • The section remains open after editing or adding an item.
    • Items can be reordered with up & down arrows
    • Text repsonses preview with their name and a text field
  • *To Do: Finish button does nothing. It is supposed to generate a basic html version of the form, set finished on the summary to true, and record the location of the html file.
  • *To Do: It would be good to highlight pages / sections / items that have unidentified concepts by using a different color.
  • *To Do: There should be a button or list that would allow the user to go directly to the unidentified concepts instead of needing to search for them.
  • *To Do: On the Edit Form page when displaying an item, it would be better to show the concept name and, in parentheses, the concept id, associated with an item rather than just saying "Identified".
  • *To Do: When returning here after adding an item, the section being edited should be expanded.
  • editSectionForm.jsp (labeled Edit Section) *To Do: The SectionValidator should makes sure that no other section in the same draft has the name being proposed
    • If called when adding a section, it comes up blank
    • If called with an existing section, the form is initialized
    • Ok button saves changes and returns to Edit Draft Form page
    • Cancel button discards changes and returns to Edit Draft Form page
    • Delete button deletes the section and returns to Edit Draft Form page
    • Delete button brings up a confirmation dialog
  • *To Do: The Edit Section screen should not have 2 name fields. It would be better to have one name field and a checkbox to indicate if the name should appear in the form.
    • A checkbox is used to determine if a section name should appear on the form or only in the GUI
    • Sections are validated to be sure they all have unique names
  • editDropRadioCheckForm.jsp (labeled Edit Radio Button, Drop Down Menu, Check Box)
    • Page displays
    • Response type can be selected
    • Add answer button works
    • Answers can be reordered with arrow buttons
    • Answers can be deleted with the x button
  • *To Do: Concept identification widget needs to be integrated.
  • *To Do: If the user clicks an "other" checkbox, there should be a label field that they can give a value to.


  • Create section, immediately delete. Should be no confirmation dialog. Should just do it.  We worked on this a long time and gave up.  The problem was that we wanted an if-statement in the JSP to decide whether to show the confirmation dialog or not.  We wanted the condition to call a Java function that returned a boolean, but Spring does not support boolean as a return type.
  • An unknown javascript bug came up during the demo. On the checkbox / radio button add screen, an answer that was not the last was deleted and all answers that followed it were also deleted. ( Haven't been able to duplicate. )
