Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • draftFormsForm.jsp (starting screen, labeled Drafts Overview)
    • Displays summaries of all forms in the database.
    • Add new draft can be used to add a new draft to the database, goes to Edit Form Details page
    • Edit can be used to edit an existing draft, goes to Edit Form Details page
    • Delete can be used to delete a draft from the database, requires confirmation
  • *To Do: New version does nothing. It should recursively make a deep copy of the entire form. It should also update the version id #, perhaps just add _V2 to the end and expect the user to edit it.
  • *To Do: It would be nice to have a Preview link on the summary page that generated HTML even when there are unidentified concepts. This would be useful as a way to look at the progress or to show non-final versions of a form to others.
  • addDraftFormsForm.jsp (labeled Edit Form Details)
    • If called when adding a new form, it comes up blank
    • If called when editing a form, it comes up with current values filled in
    • Generate version id button works
    • Save button saves the user's edits in the database and goes to the edit form page
    • Cancel discards user's edits and goes to the edit form page


  • Some of the Items may need Concepts that do not currently have one: TextResponse, Image?, others??
  • The controllers for adding items to a section only allow displaying a blank form and clicking their cancel button.All screens should have instructions.
  • Neither Java types nor database tables have been designed for the following. There are entries for all of these in the Add menu.
    • Date
    • Provider
    • Location
    • Display items
  • Provide a JSP page for Date, Provider and Location to allow the user to specify a label to go with these fields.
  • The user might want to create internationalized forms. This would be a big change so something to think about for version 2.
    • The user would indicate which languages the form should be for as part of the form's details
    • The screens where the user enters text that would appear in the form should be prompted to provide translations for all the languages that specified in the details.
    • These would appear in translation tags used by html form entry.
  • Integrate html preview with the HTML form entry module.
