Gliffy | ||
Project Plan
Project Timeline
May 27-Jun17
- Discuss about the final project deliverables with the mentors and update the project requirements documents according to it.
- Improve the user interfaces for manager and user while researching about possible approaches.
- Getting more familiar with hibernate and Spring framework.
Jun 17-Jun 25
- Finalize the user interfaces in the project
- Designing and creating necessary table schemas
- Explore more about writing module in openMRS
Jun 25-Jul 29
Implement the first phase of the project
Goal-Finishing manager view implementations
- Creating the table structures through liquibase
- Creating backend services with use of the dependent data integrity module
- Implement the manager view
- Creating pages for view report summaries
- Finalise the manager view implementations
- Get a initial start of implementing user view
- Partially implementing the user views
Jul 29 -Aug 2
- Mid evaluations
Aug 2- Sep 9
Implement the second phase of the project
Goal-Finishing user view implementations and finalise the project
- Polishing first phase implementations according to feedbacks
- Implement the user view front end pages
- Perform necessary changes at the backend
- Finishing user view implementations
- Writing test cases and test the project for verify its’ functionality
- Creating wiki pages for the module
- Extra week for finishing and wrap up project work
- Final evaluation
Initial version of the module will be compatible with OpenMRS 1.8.x
Use Cases
UI Mockups
- Manager Views
- Analytic user's view
E-R Diagram
Project Plan
Project Timeline
May 27-Jun17
- Discuss about the final project deliverables with the mentors and update the project requirements documents according to it.
- Improve the user interfaces for manager and user while researching about possible approaches.
- Getting more familiar with hibernate and Spring framework.
Jun 17-Jun 25
- Finalize the user interfaces in the project
- Designing and creating necessary table schemas
- Explore more about writing module in openMRS
Jun 25-Jul 29
Implement the first phase of the project
Goal-Finishing manager view implementations
- Creating the table structures through liquibase
- Creating backend services with use of the dependent data integrity module
- Implement the manager view
- Creating pages for view report summaries
- Finalise the manager view implementations
- Get a initial start of implementing user view
- Partially implementing the user views
Jul 29 -Aug 2
- Mid evaluations
Aug 2- Sep 9
Implement the second phase of the project
Goal-Finishing user view implementations and finalise the project
- Polishing first phase implementations according to feedbacks
- Implement the user view front end pages
- Perform necessary changes at the backend
- Finishing user view implementations
- Writing test cases and test the project for verify its’ functionality
- Creating wiki pages for the module
- Extra week for finishing and wrap up project work
- Final evaluation
Extra Credit